Hospital care at home is fast becoming a popular choice of care for patients suffering from an acute illness who would prefer to be discharged from hospital early whilst continuing to receive the remainder of their treatment in the comfort of their own home. Every care is taken to ensure that patients opting to receive hospital care at home receive the same level of service and care as would be expected in a hospital or GP surgery, but allowing for a more flexible service depending on the patient’s treatment and condition.
Providers of hospital care at home need to be registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who are responsible for ensuring that providers continue to meet the fundamental standards of quality and safety.
There are numerous benefits for patients receiving hospital care at home such as the opportunity to receive specialised one-to-one care and attention from experienced nurses, physiotherapists and occupational therapists who can provide a range of services and support. Some of the services offered by providers such as HomeLink Healthcare include physiotherapy, occupational therapy, nursing care, intravenous therapies, complex wound care, removal of stitches, blood monitoring, management of surgical drains, medication administration, catheter care, rehabilitation, homecare needs assessment and homecare. Patients will remain under the care and accountability of a hospital consultant or GP while receiving care within the comfort of their own home and by having treatment at home their exposure to hospital acquired infections are dramatically reduced and recovery is potentially quicker. Patients can also maintain their lifestyle as treatment, depending on the condition, is usually provided at a time and place that is convenient for them and allows patients the opportunity to undertake their treatment in the presence of family and friends should they choose.
Benefits are however not limited solely to patients, as there are also benefits for hospitals that are currently under capacity pressures. Hospital care at home will assist in alleviating these pressures by helping to reduce hospital admissions and the number of inpatient visits. Hospital care at home allows hospitals to discharge patients earlier which can free up beds, thereby helping hospitals avoid cancellation of elective surgeries and helps to ensure a bed is available for patients who may need them more urgently. It also aids in preventing hospitals from receiving a fine for ‘bed blocking’ which is when hospitals are ready to discharge a patient, however the next stage of their care whether residential, less intensive care or just waiting to transfer to a community hospital is delayed for reasons out of the hospital’s control. This service also allows for discharge to assess which means that the patient can have an assessment of their needs at home rather than in hospital which helps to speed up the process of discharge from hospital. By treating patients at home, the NHS could save money.
As can be seen, there are numerous benefits for both patients and hospitals and that is why hospital care at home should be a serious consideration for patients and/or consultants wanting more flexibility
Find out how you could benefit from hospital care in your own home with HomeLink Healthcare
Celebrity Angels got the opportunity to ask Homelink Healthcare some questions—Find them here