Do you drink enough water in a day? If the answer is no, you may be doing your body a great disservice. Good hydration—when water losses and gains in our body are balanced—is essential to our overall health and wellbeing. Dehydration, even in its mildest forms, can adversely affect both our body, mind and cognitive abilities: once thirst is felt, mental performance can decrease by as much as 10 percent, while hand-eye motor coordination can also be impaired.
Water is crucial in helping individuals maintain a healthy body weight; it’s vital for every function in our bodies. Swapping fizzy, sugary drinks and caffeinated energy drinks—which act as a weak diuretic—with simple water can cut out calories and sugar, as well as boost hydration. The best way to stay hydrated is to consume small amounts of fluids very frequently; keeping a plastic bottle at hand will help you do this. During exercise, on the other hand, it is recommended to drink water at 10 to 15-minute intervals. Proper hydration during physical exercise can dramatically enhance performance, reduce fatigue and increase endurance.
The early signs of dehydration include light-headedness, dizziness, tiredness, irritability, headache, sunken features and heat intolerance. While it is important to up fluid intake if you display any of those symptoms, consuming large amounts of water in short periods of time can leave the body feeling nauseated and lethargic.
In addition to the important role it plays in a healthy and balanced diet, drinking enough water is also essential in warding off urinary tract infections (UTIs). When fluid intake and urination frequency are reduced, the risk of getting a UTI—like cystitis—is almost doubled. Inadequate fluid intake is also a major cause of chronic constipation and prevents the kidneys from functioning correctly.
See also: Stay Hydrated This Summer