The Ten Ways You’re Messing Up Your Sleep—Accidentally!

Sleep is a vital part of our lives and can affect how our days are spent. Dormeo tell Celebrity Angels about how we could be messing up our sleeping patterns

Do you always seem to feel tired no matter how much sleep you get? If so, you’re certainly not alone.

Feeling tired during the day is no fun for anyone. It could be that your sleep is being interrupted despite all your best intentions. Remember, the quality of your sleep is just as important as the quantity. Read on to find out what the problem might be.

1. You had a long, hot soak

The best sleepers register a slight drop in body temperature just before they fall asleep. Whilst it can sound relaxing and conducive to a great night’s sleep, a hot shower or bath just before bed will increase your body temperature, possibly making it harder to drift off in the first place and then to stay asleep.

2. You had a hot drink

Often associated with helping to make you feel drowsy, many hot drinks are caffeinated—even the less obvious choices like some brands of hot chocolate. Make your choice wisely and you could find you sleep quicker and longer.

3. You had a lie-in or a nap

Your body clock loves routine and thrives on it. If you’re tired, it’s so tempting to try and catch up on sleep at the weekend by sleeping in late or going for a cheeky afternoon snooze. The reality is however, that either option will confuse your body clock, making it harder to fall asleep and to stay asleep during the night. You may well find that you wake feeling more tired than you were before!

See more: The Power of Sleep

4. You did some exercise

Whilst in general, regular exercise can help your overall quality of sleep, exercising too close to bedtime can have the completely opposite effect. Leave a good gap between your run and your bedtime routine.

5. You had a big meal

Your body needs to shut down to allow you to sleep. If it’s busy digesting a big meal, it just can’t do it. Leave three hours after a large meal before trying to sleep or you may find you’re waking more often or sleeping lighter than is ideal.

6. You had a night-cap

Alcohol can certainly make it easier to fall asleep in the first place, but it actually leads to very poor quality sleep and an increased number of night wakings.

7. You forgot to do something

There’s nothing worse for sleep than lying in bed with your brain in turmoil. If this happens to you regularly, keep a pad and pen by the bed and jot yourself reminders as they come to you. Once they are out of your brain and on the paper, you may well find it easier to fall asleep.

8. Your room is too hot or too cold

Either extreme is likely to cause night waking and even if you’re not completely aware of it, it will ultimately lead to you not feeling refreshed in the morning.

9. You were enjoying screen time!

The blue light given off by screens can kid our bodies into thinking it is still daylight. That in turn hampers the production of melatonin—our sleepy hormone—that only comes out in the dark. Keep screen time, including TV, for earlier in the evening and stick to reading a book last thing at night.

10. You have an old or poor quality mattress

The most common cause of a bad night’s sleep is a mattress that does not provide the right amount of support for you as an individual.

Article courtesy of Lucy Catten, Dormeo’s social media manager. Dormeo is one of the world’s fastest growing mattress brands, present in 40 countries around the world. Dormeo UK prides itself on offering mattresses for everybody, every bedroom and every budget.

Read more on Celebrity Angels about the secrets to getting better beauty sleep

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