Smoking is responsible for one in every five adult deaths over the age of 35, according to the NHS. In addition, half of all long-term smokers will die prematurely due to a smoking-related disease. If these stats aren’t motivation enough, here are a few more health incentives for you to eliminate cigarettes:
• Wave goodbye to wrinkles
Smoking damages the elasticity of skin, meaning a smoker’s chances of getting wrinkles are much higher. Quitting smoking allows skin to absorb lots more nutrients and can slow down the facial ageing process.
• Live to 100
Quitting smoking decreases your chances of developing smoking-related illnesses like heart disease and lung cancer.
• Energise
When you quit smoking, your energy levels will improve significantly. Physical activity will no longer be the same challenge it once was, and your immune system will improve, which reduces your chances of feeling run-down.
• Love your bank balance
If you normally smoke 10 cigarettes a day, after just one month of quitting, you will have saved approximately £90—that’s over £1000 per year.
• Better sex
When you quit smoking, your body’s blood flow increases, leading to enhanced sensitivity. This means that men may experience better erections and women may become aroused more easily.
Be prepared…
Quitting smoking means cutting out nicotine, so it’s important to be prepared for the withdrawal symptoms you will experience. Possible symptoms include:
• Fatigue
• Headache
• Dry mouth
• Coughing
• Irritability
What happens when you quit?
Your pulse rate and blood pressure return to normal.
The nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood will reduce by half and oxygen levels will return to normal.
Smoking dulls your taste buds and sense of smell, but after two days of no smoking your nerve endings will start to re-grow and your senses of taste and smell will consequently improve. By this time, your lungs will also start to clear out mucus and other smoking debris.
By now, all of the nicotine has left your body, which means you’re likely to be battling some withdrawal symptoms. However, breathing also becomes easier and your energy levels will begin to rise.
If you’ve reached three weeks without a cigarette, well done! Your body is beginning to reap the benefits of being smoke free as circulation will have improved and exercise will feel easier.
Coughs, wheezing and breathing problems improve and your lung function will have increased by up to 10 percent.
On your fifth anniversary of being smoke free, you should be proud of yourself. Your risk of having a heart attack has fallen by 50 percent compared to someone who is still smoking.
Your risk of lung cancer has dropped to half that of a smoker and your risk of a heart attack is the same as someone who has never smoked.
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