The survey by online discount site PromotionalCodes.org.uk, asked respondents a series of questions about their diet and fitness regimes.
The poll found that over the course of 12 months we will tackle on average 2.6 fitness programmes and start 5.2 diets. However our keep fit plans will generally last no longer than 20 days.
The data showed that men started 3.1 exercise plans in the course of a year each lasting on average 17.8 days.
When it came to dieting the survey found that men started 4.3 diets however these only lasted for just 11.2 days.
Women on the other hand started more diets, 6.2 per year, although they only tried their hand at 2.1 exercise regimes.
Nevertheless, according to the poll, women’s staying power proved a lot stronger than men as they kept going with their fitness plan for 21 days and their diets for 26.4 days.
A spokesperson for PromotionalCodes.org.uk commented that there are certain parts of the year when we try and look our best.
He said: “New Year is one of the obvious times people try and get into shape. Often they have had a big binge around Christmas and want to shed a few pounds.
“Millions of people make losing weight their New Year’s resolution and that period is a big time for the fitness industry.
“Early summer is another key time for getting into shape as everyone wants to look their best when on holiday. However, getting into shape takes a lot of time and commitment and as our data shows, not everyone has that.”
One man said: “I always try and turn over a new leaf on a Sunday after I’ve been out with my mates on a Saturday night. However, as soon as I go to the gym I remember how unfit I am and it puts me off going back.
“I think the longest I’ve ever managed to maintain a diet and fitness routine was for two months but usually they only last a couple of weeks.”
Another woman said: “I seem to be permanently starting one diet after another – I’ve tried them all and they hardly ever work. The same is true with fitness DVDs, they can promise fantastic results because they know full well the majority of people will give up half way through.”