As the name suggests, alternative and complementary therapies give patients the option of recovering from cancer using natural methods in place of chemotherapy treatments, radiation and even surgery. These natural methods are also valuable for those suffering the side-effects of conventional treatments.
The long list of positive success stories gives testimony to the value of complementary treatments. These stories follow the same pattern. The patient makes significant changes to their diet and mindset. They collaborate with a holistic clinic or practitioner that carries out a thorough analysis of their condition. With close monitoring and adjustments to their program, they begin to feel better, their energy levels increase, sleep improves and pain decreases. Subsequently, confidence and hope are strengthened.
Because of these favourable results, many are now searching for holistic clinics and practitioners that provide help and guidance in the following areas:
- A specific diet that works to reverse cancer and its symptoms
- Heat therapies
- Oxygen therapies
- Intravenous therapies
- Emotional and psychological techniques
- Natural remedies and supplements
- Homeopathic formulas
- Testing, monitoring, and counselling
- Detox therapies
With the vast array of options to choose from and then research, it can be daunting to know where to start and what to prioritize. We highly recommend liaising with a local integrative practitioner who can share more insight into the above techniques and therapies.
What to consider when looking for an integrative practitioner or holistic clinic
The first step is to find out what their philosophy is. The correct approach is to view the body as a whole. The objective should not be to merely treat the symptoms but to identify and tackle the very cause of the illness.
Dr. Johanna Budwig’s philosophy was the importance of understanding that the cancer cell is the result of the problem, not the cause. Therefore, the solution is to address the reason that the body started producing cancer cells in the first place. Then, we can work out a strategy using natural methods that aid the DNA in beginning to function as it should, leading to correct cell production.
The reason cancer cells are produced:
- Toxins the body has not been able to deal with and eliminate
- A weakened immune system from stress and unhealthy habits
- Malnutrition and lack of proper hydration
- Virus, bacteria, parasites and fungi
This information provides a solid basis to work with, and the journey to recovery can begin.
Along with selecting the right practitioner or clinic for support, one must take a good look at themselves and their habits.
As experienced practitioners in this field, we strongly advise any cancer patient to take a serious and honest look at their diet. The key is to consume foods that oxygenate the cells, rather than foods that suffocate the cells. Select foods that provide vital nutrients for the body, rather than load the body with toxins. Opt for foods that provide energy, rather than foods that feed cancer.
Another vital aspect to consider is one’s frame of mind. We should be aware of the way our thought processes affect the way that we manage stress. We produce thoughts every second, even when we are sleeping. Managing stress and keeping a balanced point of view is undoubtedly easier said than done when faced with a depressing diagnosis. So, don’t go at it alone, look for guidance and support.
Some of the most effective emotional therapies are EFT or tapping, Bioenergetic restoration, and kinesiology. They can help the mind to regain balance, clarity, and focus—valuable tools when faced with any stressful situation.
Testing & Monitoring
The last step to consider is which natural remedies and treatments are best for you, as an individual. What works for one cancer patient may not work for another, so this is where a comprehensive analysis of the body comes in.
Natural remedies made from herbal extracts and concentrated dosages of foods, spices and other natural properties can be tested with kinesiology or other methods. At the Budwig Center, we have used, with great success, the Vega testing system and GSR scan to monitor a patient’s health and progress. These devices also help us to select the most appropriate natural remedies for each patient, enabling us to lay-out a practical personally tailored plan that they can follow. Then, we closely monitor the patient to see how they are responding to the remedies.
Why is this strategy so important? Well, the body heals in stages. Also, different people need different treatments at varying times in the programme. Therefore, this personalized approach enables us to find the best fit for each patient. It also saves those who enrol in our programmes time, money and energy, in researching the numerous options available in natural medicine.
Another recommended test for a cancer patient choosing intravenous treatment is the Greece test. This is done with a blood sample. https://www.rgccgroup.com/?page=tests
One pays only once to get a report called the onconomics extracts. It tells you how efficient natural substances and extracts will be for your cancer treatment. It tests substances like vitamin B17 infusions, Gcmaf, Agnus cactus, vitamin C infusions etc. There are so many options and, since one usually has to commit to six months of these types of treatments for them to be of any benefit, a test like this will make a big difference in getting the right plan from the very beginning.
For further information about any of the options mentioned in this article, feel free to contact the Budwig Center, located in Spain.
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