There also was a big difference between where people say they want to live and where the happiest people actually do live. Among those who did not feel they lived in their dream home already, 28 per cent cited the countryside as their perfect place to live, whereas 1 in 4 preferred the seaside. Just a tenth thought they would find home happiness in a detached house in suburbia.
Remarkably, of those who were happy with their present home, 34 per cent lived in suburbia compared to just 4 per cent in the countryside – a very different outcome to the perception of those who picture a country idyll from the city.
The lure of the sun does not seem to have faded, with over a quarter of Brits wishing to move abroad to settle down into their dream home. This year, Australia and New Zealand were top of the wish list, compared to last year when the USA and Spain hit the top spots.
Sadly, less than a quarter of us believe we will ever live in our dream home, wherever it may be, and many of us will have to reconcile ourselves to the reality of our situation. However, when asked how happy they were with their present home the average Brit scored it 7 out of 10, suggesting that maybe we haven’t got it so bad after all.