Most of the current gut health chat centres around the gut microbiome, aka the trillions of microorganisms that live and reside in the gut, with some experts considering the microbiome an organ in its own right due to the complex and crucial processes that gut microbes perform. Given that microbes in general outnumber our human cells by an estimated 1.5:1, and with most of these residing in the gut, you can start to appreciate just HOW vital a role they may play in our overall health and wellbeing. It is therefore of utmost importance to nourish and support our microbiome for a healthier and happier gut.
Feed Me Now
In order to support a thriving microbiome, we need to supply it with diverse and plentiful sources of fibre. Fibre is not something we can easily digest ourselves but it does provide essential fuel for gut microbes. Focus on variety rather than quantity, so try to take this from a wide range of sources such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains, as they all contain different types of fibre that satisfy the appetites of different gut bugs. They have their own flavour preferences like us!
We can also ingest beneficial bacteria directly through fermented foods, such as cheese, yogurts, kefir, kombucha, sauerkraut and kimchi. These may also have a positive effect on the microbiome too, although we are not yet sure if the microbes in these foods survive and make it to the gut. That being said, they taste great and have been used for centuries for digestive purposes. They provide a lot of other nutritional benefits.
The Gut Grenades
Factors that may negatively impact the landscape of our microbiome include lack of sleep, excessive amounts of alcohol and caffeine, medications (particularly antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs), as well as stress. With those in mind, ensure that you have a gentle pre-bedtime routine that allows you and your microbiome to wind down, keep your caffeine and alcohol consumption to a reasonable amount (1-2 cups/glasses per day with a couple of days off the latter per week), take certain meds exactly as directed by your Health Care Professional, and find ways to manage your stress.
This last one is a vital part of supporting the health of your gut, since a stressed mind leads to a stressed microbiome. Think about using mindfulness apps, breathing exercises, gentle yoga, cooking, walking—even washing up can be meditative if you want it to be! Whatever helps you and your microbiome to ‘rest & digest’.
If you really want to focus on the survivability of microbes then look towards SYMPROVE, a water-based food supplement has evidence that the 4 strains of beneficial bacteria contained in it reach the gut and like to set up a happy home there too. In addition to having arrived alive, these bacteria encourage a positive shift of the overall balance of the microbiome. Clever stuff indeed!
To find more out about the microbiome and Symprove please visit www.symprove.com