We speak with We Help You Too about conveyancing choices for first time buyers, homeowners and investors and help you cipher through the jargon on this subject.
Homeowners, first-time buyers need to make appropriate conveyancing choices, in regards to a solicitor, in good time so that when they do have an offer accepted on their potential new home, they can get moving. Many buyers begin their search for a solicitor when their offer has been accepted. They could start their search much earlier, which would firmly put them in the driving seat. After all, the majority of vendors would sell to a first-time buyer, simply because the vendor is selling the property to a buyer that isn’t in a property chain. New build developers value first-time buyers and anyone that can move fast—this often paves the way for the buyer to negotiate a discount.
See also: First Time Buyers
A fast exchange of contracts minimises the risk of gazumping: someone putting in a higher offer to break an existing agreement to sell.
If a first-time buyer starts to search for a solicitor when their offer has been accepted, then understand the costs involved and instruct the solicitor to act for them. The solicitor on instruction will send out a client care pack which contains the terms of engagement. The terms of engagement need to be signed by the first-time buyer and returned promptly. Only on receipt of these signed terms can the solicitor start on the conveyance.
Conveyancing process
The conveyancing instruction process starts when the buyer contacts the solicitor. They may ask for a quote if they’re unsure how to progress. Getting a conveyancing quote as a first time buyer, homeowner or investor can take time as many solicitors do not have the facilities to provide an automated quote. This causes the first-time buyer frustation and anxiety, as understanding the costs involved before making a decision on who to instruct is very important.
Homebuyer conveyancing—turning customers into clients
The homebuyerconveyancing.com website is managed by We Help You Too Ltd. The website provides an instant conveyancing quote calculator and solicitor finder service. No personal details are required to view quotes. The homebuyer conveyancing panel members want their potential customers to make an informed decision on who to instruct in their own time.
See also: Home Insurance: A Guide for First-Time Buyers
Complex conveyancing process made understandable
Meaningful accurate conveyancing quotes are key to helping all buyers and sellers manage their moving costs. It’s all about budget control and on time conveyancing. Each conveyancing quote details the conveyancing fees and disbursements costs. Buyers, sellers and remortgage homeowners can take a quote away. Book a call to discuss their quote and can add the new innovative Flexi Smart Contingency House Insurance if they wish.
A Flexi Smart policy provides building insurance cover between exchange of contracts and completion for up to 28 days—providing homeowners thinking time after exchange to compare the insurance market. It may come as a surprise, but lenders do insist that the buyer has building insurance in place on exchange of contracts.
Solicitors welcome this fresh approach to introducing clients that want to hear from them. High conversion rates for solicitors. Minimal disruption time as the back office provides a scheduled monitoring service of the transaction. Estate agents, mortgage advisers and property developers can see the current state of play of each quote that becomes a case completion.
Key partners—where experience matters
Key partners are introduced to home movers to help smooth out the transaction process. Onesearch Direct provides the search ordering platform to the homebuyer members. Working alongside We Help You Too, they provide a comprehensive search package priced at under £200 covering England and Wales. A new build search pack is cheaper with savings passed on to the buyer. Cheap conveyancing, local conveyancers —the choice is yours. Buyers can filter their search by price, location or by mortgage lender.
Business Benefits
The homebuyer panel is growing and is in line with demand. They are moving into areas where they can provide consistency of work to solicitors.
Providing transparent conveyancing quotes to both buyers and sellers, they can budget wisely for their forthcoming move or re-mortgage. Estate agents, mortgage advisers and property developers enjoy conveyancing insights. Solicitors are introduced to clients that want to make a move. The panel is independent and not tied to any mortgage company or property developer. Having an independent and impartial solicitor is really important.
Quite simply, this is a comparison conveyancing service that puts first time buyers, home owners and investors in touch with key solicitors promptly. Knowing what the cost of conveyancing is and being able to discuss a quote at a scheduled time does make a difference. It’s a value for money, transparent conveyancing service.
To move forward please call on 0345 463 7664 or visit the website homebuyerconveyancing.com
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