Between setting realistic goals and finding the right workout to suit your needs, the road to getting in shape can be rocky at times. Finding the time to cook healthy meals, go for a jog and complete a satisfying gym session whilst juggling all the demands of everyday life can seem impossible—however, a little dedication and perseverance will turn your journey to fitness into an extremely rewarding one. So, where to begin? As with all long-term projects, starting off with a determined mindset is key.
Positive attitude
Your attitude towards fitness can be the difference between succeeding or failing in your goals. In most cases, a number of—not so simple—lifestyle changes will be required ,but being fit means incorporating good habits into your life and sticking by them. When starting out, it’s important to keep in mind that results will not be visible overnight; keep track of your progress and learn to love the ‘small wins’ and minor improvements—these can be anything from going a week without sugary snacks to noticing you’re getting less tired or breathless when doing cardio. Setbacks are normal; remember to not get discouraged.
Exercise regimen
A good fitness programme has five components to it: a warm up, cardio, strength-building exercises, stretching and a cool down period. Start with a steady walk on the treadmill or a pedal on a stationary bike to get your blood flowing and your muscles warmed up. Doing three 30-minute cardio sessions—this can include running on a treadmill, biking at high resistance or the elliptical machine—a week can dramatically improve circulation and endurance. The third component, muscle training, will increase your strength and tone and speed up metabolism at the same time. Strength training can be done by lifting weights, or doing squats, crunches, lunges and push-ups. Stretching—the fourth vital part of any workout—can relieve muscle and joint stiffness and increase flexibility. After strength training, relax and stretch any muscles used while exercising. The cool down stage can be very similar to the warm-up: perform cardio at a very low level. This allows for the muscles to relax.
Eat clean
Whether you’re looking to get slimmer, cut calories, cut out specific foods or adopt a new diet altogether, eating right is vital to your fitness journey’s success. Identify your food kryptonite—crisps, sweets, sugary drinks or too much caffeine—and reduce the quantities that you consume. Make these changes gradually, as it will be much easier to stick to them this way; after all, you cannot separate diet and training.
Incorporate exercise into everyday life
- Use your legs. Leave the car keys at home and walk—at least part way—to work. If that’s unrealistic, park some distance away from your office building and force yourself to walk 30 minutes a day at the very least.
- Household chores. Cleaning vigorously or taking part in activities like gardening can also count as exercise. Dusting shelves, clearing the garage and mowing the lawn will burn calories and keep you flexible.
- Exercise at work. Bringing fitness into the workplace is easier than one might think—especially for those who spend hours sitting down in front of a computer screen. Simple exercises such as leg lifts can be done from the comfort of your seat.