Vaginal rejuvenation, an intimate health procedure that is gaining popularity, usually combines vaginoplasty—tightening of the vagina—and vulvaplasty or labiaplasty—reshaping of the outer or inner lips. Although some women may choose to undergo this intimate health procedure for purely cosmetic reasons, it can dramatically improve intimate health and relieve uncomfortable issues such as muscle laxity, incontinence, loss of sensitivity and decreased sexual satisfaction (although visiting your GP may determine whether there is another underlying health reason for these discomforts). As for all procedures—both surgical and non—there are pros and cons to consider before making a decision; it’s important to consult with a trusted surgeon that possesses significant experience, training and appropriate certification.
As there are various types of rejuvenation procedures available, the decision will largely depend on what areas need correction or enhancement. According to NHS Choices, a labiaplasty can cost anywhere between £1,000-3,000 plus consultations and any follow-up care needed after the procedure. The surgery can be carried out with either local or general anaesthetic (the latter option may result in an overnight stay at the clinic) and it involves cutting away excess skin with a scalpel or a laser—the edges are then stitched up with dissolvable thread, limiting the amount of outer visible scarring. This type of intimate health procedure can take up to two hours, with some patients opting to go home the same day. Healing may take a few months, and patients are advised to keep the area clean, wear loose clothing, avoid sexual intercourse for a few weeks and to use sanitary towels instead of tampons. All surgeries can give rise to side effects, and women should look out for excessive bleeding, infection, scarring of tissue and reduced sensitivity—soreness, bruising and swelling are normal in the first weeks post surgery. Women are also recommended to take a few days off work and to avoid physical exercise for the first week or so. Non-surgical intimate health procedures, on the other hand, are simpler and may not require any anaesthetic or numbing creams.
See also: Intimate Issues
What are the differences between surgical and non-surgical procedures?
According to Emma Soos, registered nurse and clinical director at Genesis Clinics Worldwide, surgical procedures are relatively permanent—with scar tissue and possible nerve damage—and more radical than non-surgical options but may be the only way to resolve severe issues with intimate health: ‘We often see patients who have had surgical intimate health procedures that still have laxity and sensitivity issues around the scar or operation site due to the ageing process of the unoperated tissue.’
The laser (non-surgical) treatment offered at Genesis Clinics can last around 15-20 minutes with little or no sensation. A protective receptacle is inserted into the vagina and a rotating laser is then inserted into the receptacle. Short bursts of energy are fired into the tissue to promote shrinkage—as the laser retracts, the whole canal is treated. Patients will experience immediate shrinkage and will be able to go back to work immediately and resume sexual activity in approximately three to five days. The entrance and labia are also treated with a laser promoting external shrinkage.
Emma explained: ‘The laser treatment is aimed at stimulating tissue to respond to what it perceives to be an injury. It then uses its own resources to heal this, triggering neo collagenesis—new collagen growth. The generated heat causes local contraction of the collagen fibres, thereby immediately tightening the skin to remodel and rejuvenate the previous effects of ageing. New collagen formation by local fibroblasts is stimulated by heating the dermis, acting as a new deep foundation for the skin. This produces further delayed tightening which only becomes evident over the next few months.’
‘The treatment also improves blood flow and lymphatic drainage, thereby providing a better oxygen supply, greater toxin clearance and improved sensation to reduce the further effects of ageing,’ she added.
See also: Get the Most from Your Doctor
Why do women seek these intimate health procedures?
- Reduced sensation
- Unsatisfactory climax
- Dryness
- Dyspareunia/pain
- Fear of leakage
- Partner feedback
- Dysmorphia
- Appearance
- Regain confidence for new relationship
- Seeking an alternative to surgery
- Failed surgical options
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