Dr Niamh O’Kennedy, the cardiovascular researcher at the University of Aberdeen, states: “Cardiovascular health is about the heart, the blood and your vessels working in synergy. Most problems that occur in the heart don’t actually arise in it”.
So why is it that none of us know that age, diet, alcohol, weight and exercise all affect our blood and blood flow; that our blood can change in fluidity and viscosity and flow better or worse from one day to the next?
Most of us don’t give a second thought to your blood flow unless we hurt ourselves and see it pouring out, or unless, in the winter, we feel especially cold in our extremities and start worrying we’ve got circulation issues or in the summer, suddenly panic about DVT, when taking a long haul flight.
This is likely because no one is monitoring your blood flow as they do for your blood pressure and cholesterol. It’s only those already at risk of cardiovascular disease that are alerted to the importance of maintaining a healthy blood flow. They are the ones advised by doctors to take a daily dose of aspirin to help thin their blood and ward off heart problems. Plus, you simply cannot tell from the outside how badly your blood is flowing, unless you have some pretty serious symptoms like severe leg pain, especially with varicose veins, sudden unexpected swelling in a lower limb, or unusual breathlessness. In fact, you only really know there is a problem when it’s too late, and you suffer a clot, a heart attack or stroke.
So it’s time to raise awareness of the red stuff. Here are the things you need to know. Blood flow deteriorates with age – from as young as 40 – as it gets stickier and more prone to clotting. Surprisingly, our blood flow can change hourly based on lifestyle triggers – stress, diet, lack of or over exercise, alcohol, smoking, etc. And it can be even more problematic for women, due to hormones (pregnancy, pre and post menopause). There’s plenty we can do to support our cardiovascular system as we age before we resort to medication. Remember, aspirin is used to help with blood flow amongst those who have already experienced a cardiovascular event, but approximately a quarter of the population can be intolerant/resistant and harmful effects, such as gastric bleeding, are common. So the US FDA does not support the use of aspirin amongst healthy adults.
Diet and exercise remain key, and while a pill won’t compensate for a dodgy diet, it might be an extra investment in the healthy blood bank to consider. So why not take a look at Fruitflow®+ Omega-3 – a 100% natural, safe alternative to medication, with similar benefits to aspirin. Scientific research has shown that just one capsule of Fruitflow®+ Omega-3, taken daily, will help maintain normal blood flow and a healthy heart. www.fruitflowplus.com