Simple marketing techniques, if executed properly, can dramatically raise the profile of your property above the competition and attract the attention of the right buyers. The way you present your home will have an enormous impact on how much money it will sell for—merely hanging a ‘for sale’ sign is no longer enough.
Using the power of the internet to your advantage is, perhaps, one of the easiest to make your property stand out and most useful ways to boost a buyer’s interest in your property. In addition to being free, social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest are visited by billions of people monthly—what better way to get word out about your upcoming sale than sending a tweet, uploading a picture or publicly posting your listing? Most house hunting begins online nowadays, so taking great interior and exterior pictures of your property—by emphasising spaces, cropping out vehicles and sidewalks, removing toys and any evidence of pets and presenting everything as neatly as possible—will send the right message to buyers looking for a great home, as will creating virtual tours with music, professionally written descriptions and sound. Newspaper and trade magazine ads, real estate publications and local listings are also a great way you can get your property to stand out, as they attract a different kind of audience; the one that doesn’t use social media—it’s crucial to cover all the bases.
Hiring a great agent and incentivising them—like offering an extra half percent for a speedy sale—will drive effort and in turn increase your property’s visibility in a competitive market. Trusting the right professional is also key: ask at least three agents to value your home, ask them about previous sales achievements, make sure they have an easily navigable website and speak to a few of their past clients. Selling a home isn’t easy, so it’s always better to do your research on who you’re doing business with.
See also: The Smart Sell: The Golden Rules for Selling Your Property
You may be doing everything right but still end up without a quick sale. In these cases it might be worth considering an open house or a few guided tours led by your agent. An open house creates buzz around the property and may also lead to quicker and higher offers. Before this happens, make an effort to tidy your home and carry out simple—and outstanding—DIY jobs to present it in the best possible condition and make your property stand out. Maintenance should be on the top of a seller’s list, as buyers will prefer visiting a house that is ready to move into. Make your home easy to visit and be flexible with timings and viewings—potential buyers will not chase or reschedule meetings if they sense sellers are detached or disinterested. If it helps, shuffle dates to suit buyers—this will pay off, especially in the current state of the property market.
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