Very few of us are blessed with air conditioning in the British Isles; therefore you may need to get creative this season if you want to beat the heat. Try Live to 100’s tricks for staying cool this summer.
Makeshift air-con
If your home or office isn’t blessed with an inbuilt air conditioning, you can always fashion your own. By positioning a normal fan in front of a large bowl of ice, you will feel cooler in no time—as the ice evaporates, the fan will give you a subtle, refreshing spritz. Be mindful that this technique is best used when the climate isn’t humid.
Maintain your air-con unit
If you are fortunate enough to have air-con, ensure you maintain it fully so it reaches its optimal cooling capabilities. Make sure you clean your unit and replace any filters at least once every few weeks during the summer months.
Keep them closed
Depending on the positioning of your room, opening your windows may not be best idea—despite the urge you may feel. If the temperature outside is higher than it is indoors, it is best to keep windows and doors shut. Opening a window will only invite in unwanted heat. However, if the temperature indoors begins to rise and there is a considerable breeze outside to alleviate, this would be an occasion to ventilate.
See also: Stay Safe In The Sun
Give it a rest
Many people underestimate the heat that common appliances can give off—especially computers and laptops. Another trick for staying cool, if you are not working during your lunch break, is to put your computer into sleep mode. It will give your system a rest and cut down the amount of heat released by your technological gadgets. Likewise, if anything is plugged in without being used, turn the switch off at the socket.
Dress smart
One of the most harmful aspects to your comfort during a hot summer’s day is your clothing. Take the time to check the weather reports the day before and dress accordingly. If it looks as though it will be humid, wear something light in colour with a breathable fabric. Cotton and linen are both good options; ensure your clothes aren’t too tight. Steer clear of overly synthetic fabrics as they can cause perspiration and even rashes when worn in high temperatures.
Stay hydrated
It’s an obvious tip that many people neglect. Keeping your body hydrated can make you feel more refreshed and focused. Warm weather tends to drain us; keeping topped up with plenty of water throughout the day is vital. The same can be said for pets. Make sure your furry companion has access to plenty of water throughout the day (especially if they are left at home alone). You can even try infusing your water with cucumber or raspberry for extra vitamins.
Make a cold compress
Another trick for staying cool this summer is to make your own cold compress. They are easy to make, effective for staying cool on the go and easily transported. Take a cotton sock or piece of cloth and fill it with rice. Tie the package tightly with an elastic band or string. Once secured, put in the freezer for a couple of hours and remove before bed or when you need it most. You can also try filling a hot water bottles with cold water and ice cubes for a similar effect—although this may not be as easily used anywhere apart from your home).
If you have enjoyed reading our tricks for staying cool this summer, click here to read more on Celebrity Angels about beating the heat.