In the twenty-first century when our occupations and our leisure time means, for many of us, time spent looking at computer screens for most of the day, as well as looking at tablets and smart phones, our eyes can develop symptoms that then becomes a condition known as ‘dry eye’.
Dry Eye – What Is is?
Dry eye syndrome is a condition where the body is not able to produce enough tears to protect the front surface of the eye to provide quality vision. Millions of people suffer from dry eye, and the condition is more common for contact wearers, computer users, pervious eye surgery patients and those over 55.
Common symptoms of dry eye
• Blurry vision
• Foreign body sensation
• Frequent tearing
• Itchy or burning eyes
• Red eyes
• Sore or tired eyes
See also: Common Eye Problems
In the past, the only treatment for dry eyes was daily therapies such as drops and lubricating ointment that merely mask the condition and provide temporary relief. Thankfully, there have been a number of advancements in the field of dry eye treatment that address the condition at its source, providing increased tear functionality.
One of these exciting new treatments is Intense Pulsed Light (IPL). This treatment uses IPL therapy to reduce the discomfort of dry eye by stimulating the function of the meibomian glands that help produce the essential tears necessary to lubricate the eye.
Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapy is a painless procedure with no downtime that can provide immediate improvement for dry eye sufferers. The treatment consists of administering pulses of light to the affected and surrounding area.
The light energy from the IPL reduces inflammation and acts as a warm compress to liquefy the secretions obstructing the tear producing meibomian glands. After treatment these meibomian glands are expressed to clear any blockage allowing for improved tear flow.
Why Choose IPL For Your Dry Eye Treatment?
• Immediate Improvement
• Long-Lasting Relief
• No Downtime
• Painless Procedure
• Treats The Cause of Dry Eye
See also: Age-related Macular Degeneration
Interesting, the causes of the dry eye condition are said in part to be linked to our modern way of life— constantly looking at our mobile phones and tablets, and long hours gazing at computer screens, when the number of times we blink our eyes are often greatly reduced when concentrating on the screen. And blinking is important to us all as it distributes the tears over the eye, lubricating the surface and also providing oxygen and nutrients to the eye. If we’re not blinking enough, then we don’t lubricate the eye and this leads to symptoms such as the burning sensation that we associate with dry eyes. If there is not enough lubrication then there is also an increase in friction between the lid and the eye and this can exacerbate symptoms even more.
See also: Protect Your Eyes
The Dry Eye Centre in Devonshire Street, in the vicinity of Harley Street, is a specialist clinic dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of this particular condition. The Centre informs us that, ‘We understand that having dry eyes seriously impacts your quality of life, we want to listen and we want to help. We take the time needed to establish the root cause of your dry eye combining the latest diagnostic techniques and we have pioneered the use of the latest and most modern treatments available—we are the first clinic in the UK to provide the Intense Pulsed Light treatment.’ Simply described, this treatment is via a device that generates a polychromatic-pulsed light. The energy, spectrum, and time period are precisely set to stimulate the innervation (nerve stimulation) of the meibomian glands in order for them to return to their normal function. In addition, the heat generated by the flash of IPL warms and unblocks the glands.
General Eye Health Advice
If you notice eye discomfort or any changes in your vision, then you need to take some prompt action. Dr Chris advises that you make an emergency appointment to see an optometrist because the condition may require treatment as soon as possible to prevent the condition becoming worse.
Also, for those who have a parent who has the eye condition known as glaucoma, mentioned above, it is known that there are hereditary links, meaning that siblings may possibly be affected later in life. For this reason, those with a family history of glaucoma should have regular checks for the condition. If you’re aged 40 or over and you are the parent, brother, sister, son or daughter of a person diagnosed with glaucoma, or you have been advised by an ophthalmologist that you are at risk of glaucoma. This painless test is also free to all over the age of 60.