Most cases of back pain are caused by strains and usually feels like an ache, tension or stiffness in your back and sometimes your neck.
It is not generally caused by anything serious, but is more often the result of poor posture, bending awkwardly or lifting incorrectly. It can also be down to being unfit or overtiring your muscles. However, inactivity or making a wrong movement is usually at the root of ‘simple’ back pain. Back pain is most common in the lower back, although it can be felt anywhere along your spine – from your neck right down to your tailbone (coccyx). Common types include neck pain, whiplash, shoulder pain, frozen shoulder, ankylosing spondylitis, slipped disc and sciatica.
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If you suffer back pain, try to remain as active and mobile as possible. Experts agree that being inactive for long periods is actually bad for your back. In fact, it is believed that moderate activity, such as walking, will considerably help your recovery.
You can also seek relief by taking painkillers (such as paracetamol or ibuprofen) as well as using compression packs. These can be purchased from your pharmacy, however a bag of frozen peas and a hot water bottle work just as well.
Back pain that lasts more than six weeks is considered ‘chronic’ by doctors. Treatment for this type of pain typically involves a combination of painkillers, exercise classes, acupuncture or manual therapy – with spinal surgery considered the last resort.
Alternatively, The Alexander Technique can provide a long-term educational approach to the management of chronic pain. According to a growing body of research evidence, just a handful of lessons can lead to a significant reduction in pain – with people of all ages benefiting from learning and introducing it into their daily lives, says the Society for Teachers of the Alexander Technique (STAT).
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The Alexander Technique:
Developed in the 1890s by Frederick Alexander, the Technique teaches people how to make small but considerable changes to how they move, sit, stand up and rest. This in turn helps to achieve natural poise and ease of movement by ‘undoing’ poor habits that cause the body undue stress whilst doing even the most simple activities. A study involving 43 NHS patients in Bristol – the majority of whom suffered chronic back pain – found that more than half of them stopped or reduced their medication after just six lessons.
“Users of the technique are well aware of the benefits of learning to re-educate the mind and body to move as it should and let go of poor posture which reduces pain and undoes stress and tension,” says Anita Bennett, an Alexander Technique teacher and member of STAT. “More and more people are turning to the technique to manage not only pain, but to improve general health and wellbeing.”
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How you sit, stand, lift and lie down can significantly affect your health. Avoid placing too much pressure on your back and help its strength by doing regular exercise such as walking, yoga and swimming. If you suffer recurring bouts of back pain, seek relief by trying to lose weight, wearing flat shoes, avoiding sudden movements and reducing the amount of stress in your life.
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