Varicose veins are characterised as swollen or enlarged veins usually occurring in the arms and legs. In severe cases they can appear lumpy or bulging and may cause the area to cramp, throb or feel heavy and painful. Such cases will require medical treatment. Most times, however, varicose veins are not a severe medical condition and merely consist of blue or purple marks on the skin. There are several cosmetic treatments that can be used to help reduce the appearance of mild varicose veins and restore your skin to its former glory.
Endothermal ablation
Endothermal ablation is usually the first treatment that is offered. This method involves high-frequency radio waves being sent into the affected veins, sealing them with heat. It is especially effective at tackling early cases and targeting small veins. Its accuracy also means that the risks of nerve damage are far reduced with this option.
Sclerotherapy is a procedure that works to improve the appearance of varicose veins by injecting a special type of foam solution called sclerosant into them. Sclerosant damages and scars the lining of the vein, ultimately closing it. As a result, the body will eventually rid itself of the veins. This procedure is most commonly applied to ‘spider veins’, milder cases where thin, thread-like marks appear close to the surface of the skin.
Endovenous laser treatment
The endovenous laser treatment procedure involves inserting a small laser fibre into the veins. Pulses of laser light are then delivered to the area, causing the veins to collapse. The entire procedure is completed under local anesthetic.
Varicose veins are often hereditary; individuals with close family members who suffer from the condition are likely to experience it themselves. Old age is another considerable factor; as we age, our veins lose elasticity and consequently become weak. This can cause pools of blood to form and veins to become enlarged. Varicose veins also commonly affect pregnant women; this is the result of circulatory changes that occur because of pregnancy hormones in the body. Other factors that can leave you more susceptible to the condition include obesity and low-activity lifestyles or occupations.