A host of famous faces including Celebrity Angels’ guest editor of Healthy Child, Dr Ranj Singh, have teamed up with BBC Education and BBC Children in Need to deliver a new suite of fun educational resources providing primary school-aged children with the tools, language and support to manage their feelings and learn emotional and social skills.
Moodboosters is a initiative to inspire children to get moving for mental health and wellbeing.
The new Moodboosters website will provide primary school teachers, parents and children with short, simple and fun videos, featuring some famous faces, to support the PSHE curriculum for 5-11 year-olds.
BBC Education will also make available in the coming weeks a range of activities and videos designed specifically for use at home to get children and grown-ups moving together in their living rooms. These resources will be available on the Moodboosters website.
According to NHS data, the mental health of children and young people in England has worsened since 2017 as a result of the pandemic – the NHS Digital data showed that in 2020, one in six (16.0%) children aged 5 to 16 years were identified as having a probable mental disorder, increasing from one in nine (10.8%) in 2017. The increase was evident in both boys and girls.
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Additionally, research from the Centre for Mental Health showed that in England 1.5 million children and young people under 18 may need new or additional support for depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorders and other mental health difficulties in the coming months and years following the Covid-19 pandemic. A House of Commons Committee report published in November 2021 concluded that the mental health of children and young people had worsened in the pandemic and that it is placing an additional strain on already stretched children and young people’s mental health services.
In response to this, the Moodboosters activities have been devised with the help of children’s mental health charity stormbreak and subject specialists to make physical movement fun, enjoyable and give a sense of wellbeing.
Evidence supports that movement can be used for teaching emotional literacy skills, enabling and empowering children to effectively recognise and manage their feelings.
The Moodboosters initiative has NHS doctor, BAFTA award-winning presenter amd celebrity guest editor of Healthy Child, Dr Ranj Singh championing the initiative as its ambassador, joined by broadcaster Gethin Jones, Amy Dowden, Oti Mabuse, Ade Adepitan MBE, Joe Wicks MBE, Bethany Shriever MBE, and George Webster. Many of the famous faces lending their support will be fronting activity videos available on the Moodboosters website.
Dr Ranj Singh says: “It’s been difficult for children and young people over the last couple of years and sadly a significant number are struggling with their mental health. I see this every day as a paediatrician on the front line and that’s why initiatives like Moodboosters are essential because they help address some of those issues. Not only are they fun, they give children practical tools that they can use by themselves, with their teachers, friends or families to help them better cope with the world around them.”
Amy Dowden says: “I am so excited about the Moodboosters initiative and I really wanted to be involved and provide my support. It’s something that absolutely everyone can get involved in and benefit from, not just children, but adults too.”
Live Stream
On Friday 18th November, to celebrate the Moodboosters launch on BBC Children in Need Appeal Day, children from around the UK are invited to a big mood-boosting activity at 12 noon. Led by broadcaster Gethin Jones, and with The Body Coach Joe Wicks joining as a special guest, the event will be live streamed into classrooms so school pupils can boost their moods whilst doing something incredible for BBC Children in Need.
Gethin Jones, says: “Supporting children and young people with their mental wellbeing is vital to their overall development. Moodboosters gives young people the opportunity to take part in a range of online activities at school with their peers where they can enjoy moving their bodies to have fun and feel more positive. I can’t wait to see primary schools across the UK come together for a fun afternoon of live Moodboosters. See you there!”
Joe Wicks MBE, says: “Getting our bodies moving is key to positive mental wellbeing and I’m thrilled to be taking part in Moodboosters this year. It’s so important to exercise and take part in activities that will not only benefit you physically, but will make you feel good and help you be the best you can be. Hopefully the Moodboosters initiative will help children and young people feel empowered to increase their positive mental wellbeing through fun and simple activities that can be done in classrooms or at home. I look forward to primary schools across the nation tuning in to the live moment.”
Mental Health
Lisa Percy, Executive Editor, BBC Education, says: “It’s never too early to start looking after your mental health and we wanted to help children understand and manage their feelings and emotions during difficult times. We know that wellbeing can make a real difference to children’s ability to learn, so we’re proud to be offering our resources to schools and homes across the country through our new BBC Moodboosters initiative.”
Dr Martin Yelling, stormbreak CEO, says: “The last few years have not been easy for children. Across the UK there has been an increase in mental health issues and challenges facing young people, which is why the BBC Moodboosters initiative couldn’t be better timed. I hope that Primary schools across the country and the children that attend them will be happier and healthier through taking part”.
Paddy Sloan, Director of BBC Children in Need’s A Million & Me programme, says: “We are incredibly proud to be launching Moodboosters in partnership with BBC Education. BBC Children Need has invested some £10m over the past three years in supporting projects like stormbreak across the UK and there is clear learning emerging (The Power of the Ordinary, Centre for Mental Health, 2022) that children who are beginning to struggle with their mental health respond positively to supportive trusted relationships through friends, family and in their local community. In school, sharing fun and movements designed to create confidence, there is an opportunity to help children to feel good and be better able to manage their feelings.”
The curriculum linked videos and resources are available on the Moodboosters website, bbc.co.uk/moodboosters from today.
The live Moodboosters stream is accessible via bbcchildreninneed.co.uk/schools at 12pm on Friday 18 November.
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