A simple set up, the workout consists of a thin padded beam, a person – minus their shoes and socks – and an instructor who hosts the class. The experience not only works out the entire body, it also invigorates the mind. Because there is so much diversity to beaming it appeals to both sexes of all ages looking to gain different things.
Who should take up beaming?
There is something for everyone in beaming, so whether it’s toning and firming muscles, improving balance, enhancing flexibility or bettering your posture beaming helps to stimulate all of these during a class. The focus required in carrying out the moves also benefits the mind, so there is an abundance of end products to gain from this form of exercise.
What are the benefits?
As the barefoot workout is carried out on a six inch wide, five foot long foam beam first-time tries may feel wobbly or uncomfortable at first using such a confined amount of room. But all it requires is time and practice, and from the various movements, whether it’s standing, kneeling, sitting or lying down, will come so many benefits. Firstly, it will develop co-ordination, balance and alignment. Then the challenging routines will help muscular toning all over the body and strengthen the core, leading to better feeling of well-being.
How much does it cost?
Several chain fitness clubs have adopted beaming and host weekly classes, such as Virgin Active Clubs and David Lloyd gyms. Members should speak to their clubs about the possibility of beaming classes falling under their membership package. But for non-members and those simply looking to try it, expect costs to be around £7 for a 60-minute session.
By James Massoud