Our J-CUB is smart, stylish, robust, and compact. When you push it, it feels like a much bigger stroller as it benefits from precision engineering we call TRU-RIDE Technology 2. This comprises of non-puncture, hard wearing PU tyres, superior bearings and finely tuned, all-round suspension for that ‘Effortless Push Experience’. Suitable from birth up to 22KG, the J-CUB has a large, world-facing seat unit and adaptors that fit a range of compatible Group O+ car seats which are parent-facing once coupled to the chassis making it into a ‘micro travel system’.
The J-CUB has multiple seat-recline positions and an easy push-button release bumper bar. With an adjustable handle height, fixed or swivel front wheels and easy, compact fold, the J-CUB has a dis-tinct advantage over other strollers in this price range. It comes in three of our most popular fab-ric colours and also includes a raincover and carry bag. The J-CUB’s sleek chassis design will navigate station turnstiles with ease, making it an excellent choice for city living and for those adventurous families who enjoy travelling regularly.