The gardens also showcase a spectacular fireworks festival in the lead up to the New Year. Fireworks in Tivoli is a longstanding tradition, dating all the way back to the park’s first season when founder, Georg Carstensen, arranged shows with Bengal flames as a draw.
The many attractions of Tivoli include:
New Nordic Area and the Return of the Pixies
This Christmas at Tivoli, guests are welcomed by a new Nordic setting with Father Christmas residing in the Pantomime Theater, built 1874. The stalls and decorations take inspiration from Danish and Scandinavian tradition and live reindeer add to the Christmas feel.
The little pixies or gnomes (in Danish: the nisse) are back by popular demand. In last year’s Russian theme, the pixies had been omitted. This became one of the most commented on issues in 2011, and Tivoli designers therefore began working on a plan to bring back the little Christmas ‘nisse’.
Russian Basilica and Nutcracker Theme
The spectacular Russian basilica from 2011 remains the focal point of the central Tivoli square with its nine onion shaped domes and impressive Christmas tree. Surrounding the basilica are shops and food outlets as well as the Siberian Lantern ride, one of Tivoli’s 28 Christmas rides.
A new addition to the scenery will be Nutcracker decorations linking the gardens to the new splendid production of the Nutcracker which opens in the Tivoli Concert Hall 22 November choreographed by Tivoli’s Peter Bo Bendixen with set designs and costumes by Queen Margrethe of Denmark.
Copenhagen Nutcracker in royal setting
Across the world, The Nutcracker is performed at Christmas time, and for many, Christmas is not perfect without it. This lavish new production moves the plot to Copenhagen in the eighteen seventies. Clara’s Christmas Eve includes guests such as Hans Christian Andersen, August Bournonville and Tivoli director Bernhard Olsen. Naturally, Clara’s Dreamland is the Tivoli Gardens where all sorts of magic happen. This you will see for yourself when stepping out into Tivoli after the performance.
The Nutcracker is Queen Margrethe’s fifth production as a set designer for Tivoli. The previous four have been for the Pantomime Theatre. This is her biggest production yet, with costumes for 36 dancers in however many roles. The Queen’s designs are always very colourful and she has a special love of fun and surprising gimmicks, such as sets or props that change into something else.
New Year’s Eve
For the first time in over ten years, Tivoli will be open on New Year’s Eve. Tivoli’s restaurants will take bookings for New Year’s parties and there will be grand fireworks at midnight.
Christmas at the Nimb
If you happen to be in Copenhagen on Christmas Eve you can book a table at the Nimb Brasserie. The Tivoli Gardens are closed, but the excellent chefs and waiters at the Nimb Brasserie will make sure you have a festive evening in the elegant yet cosy atmosphere at the Nimb.
Opening hours: 16 November – 31 December. (Closed 24 and 25 December).
Opens every day at 11 a.m.
Closes at midnight Fridays and Saturdays and at 10 P.M. on other days.
Admission: DKK 95.
Free for 0 – 7 years of age.
Copenhagen Card also valid.
For Information visit http://www.tivoligardens.com and www.nimb.dk
Book your tickers for the Nutcracker via http://www.billetlugen.dk