Cognomovement and Becoming Your Best Self

Cognomovement is a relatively new therapeutic technique addressing a number of health issues such as chronic stress. cognomovementSandra Nathan from Becoming Your Best Self explains how it works

What techniques are used by Becoming Your Best Self?

My background in psychotherapies, EFT, energy healing and holistic therapies all inform my practice with my clients in helping them reduce their anxiety and stress levels. However, Cognomovement is the main modality I use nowadays when helping clients overcome the difficulties they are facing as I find it to be the most effective of all the therapies.

How does it work?

The Cognomovement System offers a therapeutic approach that combines eye movement exercises with cognitive processes to help you overcome emotional and physical challenges by retraining your brain’s response patterns. So, you find new positive ways of thinking, relating and behaving that can be life changing. Cognomovement can be a solution for everyone. It addresses a broad spectrum of issues with swift and profound outcomes.​

How do I start a course of therapy?

In the first instance visit and email me telling me what your problem is so that we can set up a mutually convenient time for a free 20 discovery call. During our call we can more fully delve into your troubling issue/s and we can then both decide as to whether we would like to work together and set a plan in motion.

Can sessions be conducted remotely?

Yes, since Covid times almost all of my sessions are conducted on video.  My clients and I have found that working remotely can be just as effective as in person clinic sessions. I have clients from all over the world who work with me very successful on Zoom.

How long is a course of treatment likely to last?

Significant progress is often made in the first session, and sometimes just one session is all that is needed. However, I generally suggest that clients consider having a course of 6 sessions during which we will be able to process and neutralise other issues that are impacting their lives in a negative manner.

Will I be taught self-therapy techniques?

Yes, I always empower my clients with self help techniques that they can use whenever they are confronted with anxiety provoking stressful situations. I also give them homework to do following our session so that they can work on issues themselves.

What’s the story behind Becoming Your Best Self?

I have been helping people improve their lives and manage their anxiety and stress levels for over 20 years.  I have found that whatever the troubling issue is, at its core is a feeling of fear, and if the body perceives anything that is fearful that could be a threat to its survival, the stress response is triggered. Research shows that chronic stress can lead to a multiple of health complaints, from minor symptoms to serious illnesses. Something like 80% or more of serious illnesses are attributed to unresolved chronic stress. Therefore, it is my belief that if we can reduce and manage our stress levels, we have a better chance of achieving our goals, and generally being healthier and well balanced in our lives.

Where can I find out more about Becoming Your Best Self?

To find out more about Becoming Your Best Self visit




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