In fact, a new survey has revealed that troublesome children make some parents wish that they hadn’t left home
With schools across Britain closed for the summer holidays, many parents will have arranged holidays abroad.
However, instead of being relaxing and peaceful, a study, carried out by Gatwick Airport, found that many families find traveling with children one of the main stresses of their holiday, most of which are connected to the reaction from fellow passengers.
Nearly half of those questioned revealed that they have received “evil stares” from fellow travellers when their children have been noisy or crying. This has led to parents feeling bad when their child misbehaves or cries during their holiday.
Andrea Hopkins, a spokeswoman for Gatwick Airport, said, ‘We recognised that travelling on holiday can be a really stressful time, as this research has proven, and we are aiming to do all we can to make it a guilt-free experience. It’s all about trying to extend those holiday endorphins.’