At the end of the month when your bank account is low on funds, it can be hard to maintain your usual beauty routine. High-quality products that are made with natural ingredients often come with a hefty price tag, so you may be surprised to learn that natural remedies can often be made at a lower cost in the comfort of your own home. DIY beauty treatments aren’t just a great money saver, either. Many cosmetic products on the market are filled with chemicals that may harm our bodies more than they help them—making products at home ensures that you know exactly what’s going into them. Take a look through our easy make-at-home beauty treatments, made with natural ingredients and simple recipes:
Gentle strawberry & baking soda teeth whitener
Nowadays, the majority of teeth whitening treatments include hydrogen peroxide which penetrates the porous tooth and bleaches the stain deposits in the dentin. In moderation this shouldn’t be harmful to your teeth, however it has been reported that cases of ‘bleachorexia’ are ever increasing—a term coined for those who are addicted to teeth whitening. Unfortunately, over-whitening can produce excess bleach that can erode the tooth’s protective enamel. Opting for a homemade tooth whitener can gently exfoliate your teeth and remove stains without damaging the structure of your teeth and gums.
Fresh strawberries, 1-3, large
A pinch of salt
Baking soda, ½ tsp
Mash the strawberries into a thick pulp with a fork, then add the pinch of salt and baking soda to the mixture. Stir well and let the mixture sit for a moment. Wipe your teeth with a dry towel to remove any excess saliva then apply a generous amount of the pulp to your toothbrush and brush in circular motions. Let the mixture sit on your teeth for five minutes then rinse off thoroughly. Try this treatment weekly or fortnightly for a brighter smile without the harsh chemicals.
Minty almond lip scrub
Intensive lip treatments can be hard on your pocket and your delicate skin. Although many lip balms are intended to soothe lips, many of them contain allergens and irritants. Castor oil, for example, is found in a large amount of lip products. This viscous liquid is comprised of 80 to 90 percent ricinoleic acid—this allergen may spark inflammation and soreness of the lips. Instead of using an ineffective balm that dries your lips, create your own with flavours and properties that are catered to you.
Sweet almond oil, ½ tbsp
Almond butter, ½ tbsp
Brown sugar, ½ tsp
Honey, 1 tbsp
Peppermint essential oil, 2 drops
Mix the almond oil and butter with the brown sugar, add the honey and stir in until the sugar is fully coated. Finally, drop in the peppermint essential oil and ensure it is fully combined—store in a sealed jar. Apply a small amount to your finger and work the scrub into your lips in a circular action. Do this for 30 seconds and wash off with warm water. Enjoy the effects of your soft, supple and nourished lips.
Moisture-rich avocado face mask
Various skincare products are packed with additives to extend their shelf life. Parabens are commonly used in products like shampoos, body washes, deodorants and facial cleansers to prevent the growth of bacteria. Sounds good, doesn’t it? However, parabens also contain oestrogen-mimicking compounds that are linked to increased risks of breast cancer. Instead of risking your health with cheap store-bought products, making your own facemask is a great way to revitalise your skin with fresh ingredients.
Avocado, ½, very ripe
Honey, 2 tbsp
Coconut oil, ½ tsp
Simply mash the avocado with a fork until it becomes creamy and smooth, then add the other ingredients to the bowl and mix thoroughly. Apply a thick layer across the face, leaving space for the eyes and mouth. Leave on for 10 to 15 minutes and wash off with warm water. Finish by patting your face dry with a soft towel. This moisture elixir is perfect for dry and flaking skin. The avocado and coconut oil restore the skin with much-needed moisture, while the honey soothes any raw patches and evens the complexion. Try this simple home remedy once a week for a fresh-faced look and an unbeatable glow.