During hot spells, water your hanging baskets more regularly than you would normally – once a day is usually advisable, but if it is particularly hot or windy you may need to water them twice a day. It is best to water early in the morning and late in the evening to prevent water evaporating throughout the warm days. Never water your plants during full sun or in the middle of the day, as strong, direct sunlight can burn them!
Water hanging baskets generously until it streams through the drainage holes of the container. If you don’t water your hanging baskets enough, the plants won’t develop a strong root system which happens when they go in search for water at a deeper level, and instead becomes dependent on the surface water provided.
Feed regularly
Water is not the only essential element that plants need, so it’s important to invest in a quality fertiliser. Potting soil contains nutrients to help plants grow, but the compost soon becomes exhausted as the plants absorb the goodness that they need, so these need to be replaced regularly to help your plants thrive.
Fertilisers consist of several key elements to help your plants thrive, including nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron and magnesium, which promote healthy green foliage and an abundance of flowers, as well as helping plants become more drought-resistant and to develop a healthy root system.
There are a variety of fertilisers and forms to choose from, but ideally you would choose a water-soluble fertiliser or slow-release granular fertilisers. Liquid fertilisers, such as Phostrogen All Purpose Liquid Plant Food, are easy to use by simply diluting a cap full into a watering can and generously watering around the roots as usual, or you can opt for granules such as Phostrogen All Purpose Plant Food, which are applied directly around the base of the plants and lightly hoed in before watering.
Titchmarsh’s Tips
Gardening expert Alan Titchmarsh says: “The secret of a stunning hanging basket display is loads of plants, plenty of food and water and very special compost.
Use multipurpose compost but add a dose of slow-release plant food and water-retaining gel. First, mix the dry gel crystals with water and leave them to swell to a similar consistency to wallpaper paste.
Choose enough plants to fill your container well. You need as many pot-grown plants as you can fit into the container with the root balls just touching. If you are using plugs or small young plants space them 2-3in (5-7½cm) apart around the edge of the container.”
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