What are the main causes of hair loss in women?
There are a number of possible causes such as low iron levels, stress, rapid weight loss, heredity, drug-related hormone imbalance and some illnesses. It is also common for a woman to lose hair as a result of both pregnancy and menopause. The reason for each case is slightly different but both are hormone related. Around 80 percent of all women have noticeably thin hair by the age of 60. This is very commonly due to menopause. The lower oestrogen levels experienced around menopause is one of the culprits. However, because there are so many other causes for hair loss in women, it is not always menopause itself that is the cause, but rather a combination of factors.
Is female hair loss the same as male hair loss?
No, it isn’t. For one thing, for so many of the reasons a woman loses hair, there is a solution. In addition, female hair loss tends to be more of an overall thinning (diffuse hair loss), whereas for men, the hair loss tends to be complete in certain areas like the crown or via a receding hairline. For many men, eventually the two areas meet up into a baldness pattern that resembles a horseshoe shape. For women, hair loss is most common on the top of the head and is characterized by an overall thinning which results in the scalp being visible through the hair.
Can showering make you lose more hair?
Absolutely not. Many women think that washing their hair is a cause of hair loss and so they try to wash it less often. We normally lose up to 100 hairs a day and if you leave hair washing to once a week then you may find that a week’s worth of hair comes out in the shower. Naturally this leads to the thought that it is hair washing itself that causes hair loss, whereas it is exactly the opposite. It is vital to keep a clean scalp, washing away oil (sebum) build up every three to four days to ensure optimal scalp health.
Is hair loss permanent?
It can be, depending on the cause. If the loss is caused by stress (such as recent surgery, a loss of a loved one, rapid weight loss) or by a nutritional deficit, then once the cause has passed or been rectified, as in the case of nutritional issues, then hair can grow back. However, that tends to be the case if the cause has been identified and rectified swiftly. For long-term hair loss, the remedies are less effective, mainly because the follicle has been dormant for too long.
Are there any lifestyle changes I can make to prevent hair loss?
Try to avoid:
- Pulling hair back to tightly
- Rubbing it profusely when drying it or using harsh brushing and combing on wet hair
- Scorching hot water in the shower
Make sure you:
- Wash out chlorine and salt after swimming
- Eat enough protein
- Swap to chemical-free shampoos and conditioners
- Use a good quality oil on the scalp
Think of the scalp as important skin to take care of just like we do with our face. We need good quality scalp skin and follicles to grow healthy hair just as we need healthy soil to grow healthy plants.
Why do women lose a lot of hair after pregnancy?
During pregnancy, when oestrogen levels are high, most women find they have thicker, fuller hair and then when the oestrogen drops following childbirth it is quite common for the hair loss that results from the sudden drop in oestrogen to be noticeable, usually in the form of a widening parting.
What can women do to prevent hair loss from affecting their mood?
The first thing to consider about female hair loss is that very often it is only you who notices it. However, if hair thinning is becoming more noticeable and is getting you down then there are two things you can do to lift your mood. Firstly, get to a hairdresser and change your style—focus on a new look and a new you! Very often a hairdresser can suggest a different style or colour that will help to disguise thinning hair.
Secondly, you can apply a cosmetic filler. Cosmetic fillers come in a range of colours and shake in to dry hair to create an instantly fuller look. Much like mascara thickens eyelashes, cosmetic fillers thicken each hair strand. Whereas mascara goes on wet and dries or hardens, cosmetic fillers are a soft dry microfibre product, much like tiny particles of hair, and with its capacity to instantly give the appearance of thicker hair, it is a great confidence-booster.
Are there any hairstyles that can help hide hair loss?
A zig-zag parting will disguise a widening part; shorter hair always looks thicker than longer hair. Go for a short, blunt bob cut as this can make hair look thicker. Dying your hair a darker colour is another way to make hair look thicker.
What options are there for covering thin patches of hair?
There are basically three non-invasive options. First, there is the option of wearing a wig. Many women find that a wig is a great confidence boost, although some of the better quality wigs can be quite expensive. There is also a completely different type of wig called a “topper”. A topper is a partial wig which can be clipped into existing hair to provide extra body. The third option is to use a cosmetic filler. This is a product that goes onto clean, dry hair and stays in place through wind, rain and sleep and until it is washed out. Next time the hair is washed, it is reapplied. Once applied, thin patches are gone and visible scalp has disappeared.
Bambi Staveley, hair loss writer and trained nurse who has herself been a hair loss sufferer, has spent many years researching the many causes and solutions of hair loss in women. Bambi has combined her years of knowledge and research into helping other women overcome the embarrassment and indignity of hair loss. The result is her global cosmetic brand of hair loss concealers and fillers called BOOSTNBLEND®, along with a new book full of tips and solutions called “How to Make Thin Hair Fat” both available from www.boostnblend.co.uk