Short haul sun in the Canary Islands
The Canaries, just off north-western Africa, offer consistently decent weather in January and February, with temperatures averaging 22°C. Sounds good when we’re struggling to reach double figures at any time – and it’s only three or four hours flying time from the UK.
Abu Dhabi adventure
One of the richest cities in the world thanks to oil, Abu Dhabi, in the United Arab Emirates, is a hot new destination with a lot going for it. Average temperatures in January of 25°C make it a great time to visit, and it’s an incredibly safe destination, even for women travelling alone.
Sail away
Ocean Village Cruises offer cruises ‘for people who don’t do cruising’, and a week on-board can be as adventurous or as relaxing as you like. There are no set meal times and no dress code – even T-shirts and flip-flops are welcome at the table. Ocean Village is geared to please a younger market, and the age onboard being 10 years younger than the cruising average, with lots of active empty nesters from 45-55 years old.
Treat yourself to South Africa
A week or two in Cape Town is a fabulous winter treat with temperatures in the mid-to-high 20s, and there’s only one hour’s time difference, so no jetlag. No wonder so many birds migrate there when our winter kicks in.
Mauritian paradise
White-powder beaches, warm azure water, lush forests and mountains, and some of the most glamorous resorts on earth, you don’t need a hard sell on Mauritius – it’s everyone’s idea of paradise.