Serves: 4-6
- 6 Apples, I used Pink Lady
- 1 kg Fondant icing
- Small amount of water
- Squire’s liquid food colouring , (vine)
- 250 g White regal icing
- Sugarflair paste colouring , (pink)
- Special Equipment: 6 x 30cm lollipop sticks; Tylo powder; 2.5cm star metal cutter; edible glue; thin paint brush; 78cm length ribbon, cut into 6 x 13cm lengths
1. Thoroughly wash any grease or dirt off of the apples. It is important
that you do this or the fondant will run off. Gently push the lollypop
stick through the centre of the apple but do not allow the stick to
come through to the other end. Place the apples on a wire rack top end downwards so that the sticks are in the air.
2. Mix up a basecoat of white fondant, using half the sifted fondant icing
sugar and a small amount of water. Add the water a spoonful at a time
and do not allow it to become too thin or it will not cover the apples
properly. Spoon over the apples, making sure they are coated evenly
and completely covered. Leave to dry.
3. Mix the rest of the fondant icing sugar with the vine food colouring
and a small amount of water. Pour this over the top of the base coat,
covering it thoroughly. Allow to dry.
4. Roll out half the white regal icing to a thickness of approximately
1–2mm. Mix in a pinch of the Tylo powder to make the icing more
malleable at this thickness. Then use the cutter to cut out stars from
the icing. You will need approximately 30 per apple. Stick them onto 3
of the apples using the edible glue.
5. Add pink food colouring to the remaining regal icing along with a
pinch of Tylo powder. Roll it out and cut out 30 star shapes. Stick them
onto the remaining 3 apples. Allow all the icing to dry fully on the wire
rack and then decorate the sticks with 13cm lengths of ribbon.