The study, by online discount shopping site Promotional Codes, has revealed that Brits are most content when the temperature is 23.5oC.
At that temperature our national pastime of moaning about the weather reaches a minimum as more people feel happy than at any other point on the thermometer.
Respondents were asked to identify what temperature they thought was too hot and too cold for the summer period.
Any temperature above 28.25oC was considered too hot for the summer months where as anything below 19oC was seen as too chilly.
When it came to the different genders, men preferred it slightly warmer (25oC) while women were happy with a cooler 22.8oC. According to the study, those living in London had the highest heat threshold with the average Londoner being content with a temperature of 24.7oC.
A spokesman from Promotionalcodes.org.uk commented: “One of our favourite pastimes as a nation is to moan about the weather no matter how hot or cold it is.
“For many, it is either too wet or too dry so it was really interesting to find a temperature which everyone would be happy with.
“We found that most people are happiest at 23 degrees, it’s by no means cold but it is not stifling hot either.”
One man said: “For me, summer isn’t summer unless it is baking hot, I mean well over 30oC, it’s a pity we rarely see that in the UK.
“I can’t stand it when people whine about the weather being too hot, I bet they’re exactly the same people who complain when it is too cold. For goodness sake – make your mind up!”
Another woman commented: “I think a temperature in the mid-twenties is just right, not too hot and not too cold. It is just a shame we hardly get to see it between the constant spells of rain.
“It can be really awful when the weather is too hot, it gets to the point where you can’t do anything – even laying still is too much of an effort.”