Planning a funeral can be stressful at the best of times, but it’s particularly difficult now. We asked the experts from compareyourfuneralplan.com for some advice
• What are the advantages of a funeral plan?
A funeral plan provides peace of mind for yourself, and the loved ones that you leave behind. The cost of a funeral has risen a massive 25% in the past five years, and that figure is continuously spiralling, but if you take out a funeral plan you are locking in prices at today’s rates. It also allows you to specify your wishes, which prevents grieving relatives having to make difficult decisions at such a stressful time. Another lesser known advantage is that contributions to a funeral plan are exempt from inheritance tax, and payments might not count if you’re assessed towards care costs, unlike money put aside in a savings plan.
• How much will a funeral plan cost me?
The cost of a plan can vary enormously depending on your choices. There are plans to suit every budget, some starting from just a few pence per day. With Compare Your Funeral Plan, you can compare over 800 funeral directing firms to find a package that’s affordable for you.
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• What does a funeral plan typically include?
A prepaid funeral plan includes the funeral director’s services, generally the most expensive part of the funeral, locked in at today’s prices. With funeral costs spiralling above inflation, this gives you and your loved ones’ peace of mind that you are safeguarded against future price rises. It also covers the cremation fee and minister’s fees for cremations, and for burials a contribution of £1,220 goes towards the burial and other third- party costs. If you would like to make contributions towards extras such as flowers or a wake, you can do this either when you take out the plan or at any time afterwards – just call and one of our advisers can take you through your options.
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• Can I pay for a funeral plan on behalf of someone else?
Yes, many people take out a funeral plan for a loved one, often a parent, partner, or relative, for a variety of reasons. It may be that you’ve discussed funerals with the person in question and they’ve asked you to take out a plan or you may be in a situation where you are taking control of their finances and getting things in order. Whatever the reason, we can offer friendly, professional advice to ensure your loved one gets the right plan for the correct price, and that all communication goes to the person who wants to deal with the plan.
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• How will my money be protected in a funeral plan?
Whether you pay for your plan in monthly instalments, or as a lump sum, contributions for its fulfilment are paid into an independent, secure trust fund so you know that it is safe.
• Can a funeral plan provide the type of funeral I want?
Compare Your Funeral Plan compares services from over 800 firms across the whole of the market and our advisers can help you to find the plan that fulfils your wishes. You can also specify personal requests, such as specific flowers or music, to make it the memorial that you would have wanted. You can pay for optional extras like a church service or the venue or refreshments for a celebration afterwards – our advisers can discuss all these options to make sure your funeral is just how you wanted it.
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• Once I have bought a funeral plan, what happens when I pass away?
When you take out your funeral plan, you will receive a full welcome pack in the post, which includes a clear guide for your loved ones to follow. In the pack is a reference number and a plan certificate, and if you pass away, your relatives simply call the helpline with this number and our advisers will contact the funeral director. From there, the funeral director will take care of everything, according to the specifications of your plan, and guide your loved ones towards the funeral that you would have wanted in a caring, compassionate manner.
• Do I have to have a medical exam to take out a pre-paid funeral plan?
No, a medical exam is not required to take out a plan with Compare Your Funeral Plan.
• How can I find the best funeral plan for me?
Our friendly, experienced advisors are on hand to talk through your options, taking into account your wishes and special requests, and your budget. We are happy to talk through the details of the funeral you would like and the amount that you can afford to find the best plan for you.
• How can I find out more about Compare Your Funeral Plan?
You can find out more about who we are and what we offer by visiting www.compareyourfuneralplan.com, or call us free on 0800 2545450 for a chat with one of our friendly advisers.