Administering utility payments for an HMO can be a burden for landlords. The experts from Metro Prepaid explain how prepaid sub-meters can make life easier
What are the advantages of sub-meters for a landlord?
Sub metering works where someone wants to share an existing (metered) MAIN supply of electricity or water with others. Some landlords are cutting their install costs by as much as 50% with electric sub meters. Sub meters are inexpensive and can be installed using much of the existing infrastructure and without running new supply cables to a property. If your property has been correctly wired with each section on its own circuit, then installing a sub meter is a relatively straightforward exercise. A Metro Prepaid sub meter does not replace the landlord meter, they must be connected downstream from the landlord meter. The cost of landlord electricity flowing through the prepaid sub meters is recovered through Metro codes sold, and is repaid to the landlord by Metro Prepaid (monthly via bank payment). Metro prepaid collects the payments from the tenants for their usage and pays this money to the landlord so that they pay their account with the energy supplier.
How are they fitted and could I fit them myself?
Ask a trusted local electrician to install the sub meter for you, electrical sub meters are available from electricity wholesalers across the UK.
Once fitted, how are sub meters registered?
Call us on 020 3020 1144 for registration and to activate the sub meter.
How do tenants use the system?
Metro Prepaid recommends that each tenant is allocated a separate sub meter for their room. The electric sub meter is installed with its own consumer board, where needed, and to top-up their electricity, the tenant will have to top up online, by phone or go to any PayPoint store (e.g. Co-op) with a meter card or a 19 digit PayPoint barcode to get their recharge Metro code. Tenants can also top-up their electricity through online payments, transfers through Barclays or get Metro Codes from here. Metro Codes can be printed at the check-out if you top-up in the grocery store or sent either via sms/ text message or email for online, Pay-By-Phone or Bank Transfer top-ups. A Metro Code is the 20 digit number that you receive when you buy electricity/water. When you receive the Metro Code you need to enter it onto the meter by entering the numbers and press the enter button.
How do I get a monthly meter report?
Providing us with your email address guarantees you a monthly report that our system sends to you automatically on the 1st of every month.
What different types of Metro meter are available?
See here for the range of Metro Prepaid meters available. For technical support, Metro Prepaid’s help desk is available 24 hours a day to assist landlords, tenants and installers on 020 3020 1144.
Where can I buy Metro meters? How much do they cost?
Metro Prepaid prepayment sub meters are available from electrical wholesalers across UK. Call our help desk on 020 3020 1444 to help you locate your closest supplier. Electricity Metro Prepaid sub-meters cost around £50 depending on where you buy.
How many sub meters can I fit in a property?
Install as many as your electricity supply permits. Ask your electrician for advice.
What’s the story behind Metro Prepaid?
Metro Prepaid was formed in 2015, to help landlords collect utility payments from tenants using electric sub meters. Metro Prepaid is customer-centric – we are totally passionate about serving our customers, whether they be landlords, sub meter sellers, installers or tenants. We aim to offer our customers electric sub meter products which are:
- Simple – off-the-shelf, simple to install, quick to register
- Efficient – get the job done with the least fuss
- Transparent – our fee structures are fully disclosed and easy to understand
- Best value – commitment to provide the lowest sub meter prices and the best value service fees
- Supported by a friendly, approachable and committed team of customer centric individuals
Where can I find out more about Metro Prepaid?
Visit the website at https://metroprepaid.co.uk, call 020 3020 1144 or email help@metroprepaid.co.uk.