What is a ZEB and how could it revolutionise your approach to home heating? The experts from tepeo explain
What is a ZEB?
The ZEB is a new breed of boiler that’s redefining home heating, powered by electricity without the cost. Manufactured in the UK by tepeo, it is designed to replace traditional fossil fuel and electric boilers, providing heating and hot water for homes. It is an innovative heat battery that stores and delivers heat when needed, without carbon emissions.
How does a ZEB work?
The ZEB is powered by electricity, storing heat inside a thermal core during the cheapest and greenest times (usually off-peak periods) to be used on demand when your thermostat calls for heat. It can be installed in 1-2 days with minimal changes required to the home, working with your existing heating infrastructure i.e. radiators or underfloor heating.
Is a ZEB suitable for all types of property and heating system?
The ZEB works best in a home that has the following:
- Up to 12,000kWh of energy usage per year for heating & hot water (roughly 1,100L of oil). You can find an estimate on your energy bill
- A ‘wet’ heating system i.e. you have radiators or underfloor heating, and a hot water tank (or can get one)
- Space for the ZEB on an accessible, solid and level surface – typically on the ground floor.
- Either a flat, bungalow, semi-detached or detached 2-4 bedroom house
- A daily heat consumption of 60 kWh or less
- A whole home heat loss of 5 kW or less
What is the heat output of a ZEB?
The ZEB delivers a similar heat output to your existing traditional gas or oil boiler, meaning no changes to the level of heating temperatures you are used to.
How much does a ZEB cost to install?
The installation cost of a ZEB can vary depending on the property and the existing heating system. The ZEB itself costs £6,000 but tepeo are currently offering to pay the cost of your VAT up to £2,000, making it an affordable low-carbon alternative to traditional heating systems.
Will a ZEB save me money?
Depending on your current boiler, the ZEB can save you money on energy bills as it is a highly efficient low-carbon heating method. While initial costs may be higher than traditional systems, the long-term savings from reduced energy consumption and maintenance costs make the ZEB a financially beneficial choice. Find out how much the ZEB could save you by clicking here https://www.tepeo.com/costandcarbon/.
Is a ZEB environmentally friendly?
Yes, the ZEB is environmentally friendly. It produces no direct carbon emissions, which are emissions released from your flue whenever you use your boiler, helping to reduce your household’s carbon footprint. It’s a sustainable alternative to gas or oil boilers, contributing to a greener future.
Can a ZEB be used with systems such as solar panels?
Yes, a ZEB can be used alongside solar panels to enhance your home’s energy efficiency. In 2025, tepeo will be releasing a product that enables you to use your solar panels to power the ZEB, further reducing your carbon footprint and energy costs.
What’s the story behind tepeo?
tepeo was founded in 2018 to give customers a cleaner, smarter, and more cost-effective heating solution to help them transition away from fossil fuels. Over three years of research & development culminated in the ZEB, an efficient heat battery solution that uses off-peak electricity to supply heating.
The ZEB was launched in 2021 and tepeo now has over 50 employees based out of the offices and manufacturing facility in Wokingham. By growing the network of tepeoPRO installers in 2024, they are hoping to bring this British made product to more environmentally-conscious customers across the UK, increasing the options available for low-carbon heating.
tepeo is here to help millions of homeowners transition away from their existing boilers towards a cleaner alternative so they can heat their home, not the planet.
Where can I find out more about tepeo?
You can learn more about tepeo and our products on our website at tepeo.com. We offer in-depth information on the ZEB, our commitment to sustainability, and how you can become a part of the green heating revolution.