Breathing and movement monitors typically fall into two categories – sensor mats and wearable devices. They are designed to monitor the baby’s body movements to track breathing patterns – for the wearable devices this is via abdominal movement for example – and will sound an alarm if breathing falls below a certain number of breaths per minute. They can be used independently or in conjunction with an audio or video monitor.
When a baby is born, their natural breathing patterns fluctuate. Babies breathe fast, slow and can seem to hold their breath for a few seconds before they appear to breathe again – uneven breathing patterns can be a huge cause of concern for new parents and this is where breathing monitors can offer reassurance above and beyond the traditional audio or video monitors. This is particularly the case with premature babies who are more likely to experience irregular breathing patterns than those born at full term.
Breathing monitors also offer reassurance for parents with high risk babies, perhaps with families who have sadly lost a child or if babies have previously stopped breathing for a space of time, known as an ‘apparent life threatening event’. In these situations, parents will be guided with medical or professional support as to how best to monitor their baby and breathing monitors are commonly used as part of this support network.
Snuza HeroMD baby monitor is a wearable device which attaches to baby’s nappy and monitors abdominal rise and fall. The Snuza HeroMD detects the slightest of breaths and will alert parents if breathing is weak or less than eight breaths per minute. If the Snuza HeroMD detects no breathing for 15 seconds it will vibrate in an effort to rouse baby to resume breathing. Often the vibration is enough to rouse the infant and Snuza HeroMD will revert to monitoring mode. However, after three vibration/rousing incidents, a ‘Rouse Warning’ will alert parents that breathing has stopped for 15 seconds on three occasions. If an additional 5 seconds of no breathing is detected a sharp audible alarm will sound.
Read testimonials at www.snuza.com. Snuza HeroMD Portable Baby Breathing Monitor is available from all good retailers including Amazon, Smyths, and Argos and carries a RRP of £79.99.