Your microbiome, particularly the colonies of organisms in your gut, is vital to health. The experts from AxisBiotix explain how to keep it in good shape
Catherine O’Neil – Chief Scientific Officer, AxisBiotix – Professor of Translational Dermatology
· What is the microbiome?
The microbiome is just the technical term for the collection of genes in all the microorganisms living in a particular location. This could be soil, plants, animals or the human body. The human microbiome is different in each part of the body so we talk about ‘the gut microbiome, the skin microbiome’ etc.
· Why is gut health so important to overall health?
Put simply, the gut is responsible for digesting the food we eat and breaks it down so that its available for the cells in all of the tissues of the body to use as fuel. If anything goes wrong with this process, that can have an effect on the rest of the body. Another huge role for the gut is in helping to develop a healthy immune system which of course affects all of the body. In addition to this, the gut microbiome can make a whole range of chemicals that can influence the health of other tissues either positively or negatively. A good example of this is the synthesis of neurotransmitters by gut bacteria that can influence the brain. Lastly, the gut is also a barrier that prevents anything toxic from getting into the circulation. It’s thought that if the gut barrier is leaky, this can lead to inflammation in other tissues.
· What is the particular connection between gut health and skin health?
It has been known for years that both diet and gastrointestinal disease can affect the skin. This connection between the gut and the skin is so strong that there are some cancers of the gut that can be diagnosed simply because of how the skin is affected! There are a whole range of other conditions where both skin and gut are affected. Some examples are inflammatory bowel disease and psoriasis. About 20% of patients with one condition will also have the second. Conditions like the skin disease Rosacea are also very much associated with intestinal upset such as constipation.
· What harmful bacteria are commonly found on the skin?
On healthy skin, there shouldn’t really be many harmful bacteria because the skins own microbiome keeps out invaders! However, a very common bacterium that can be harmful is Staphylococcus aureus.
· What skin conditions can these bacteria affect?
Staphylococcus aureus causes a range of infections including relatively mild ones such as impetigo, to serious life threatening conditions if it gets into the bloodstream. Staphylococcus aureus is also the main agent causing the skin to flare in eczema.
· How can I support my microbiome?
The bacteria in the gut like to eat lots of plant material and especially plants containing a lot of non-digestible fibres such as are found in things like artichokes, garlic, onions
· What is the active ingredient in AxisBiotix products?
Axisbiotix is a blend of four live bacteria. These are: Bifidobacterium animalis W53, Levilactobacillus brevis W63, Limosilactobacillus reuteri W192 and Lactococcus lactis cremoris W224.
· How is it supplied and used?
AxisBiotix is supplied as sachets containing 3g of a powder. The powder is simply mixed into a glass of luke warm water either in the morning before breakfast, or before going to bed.
· What’s the story behind AxisBiotix?
AxisBiotix was designed to help people with sensitive skin conditions like psoriasis. This condition is characterised by scaly, red plaques appearing on the skin which can be very red and itchy. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition and is associated with the immune system producing too much of two chemicals called, interleukin 17 and interleukin 23. There is some evidence that the gut barrier is also a bit leaky in people with psoriasis. So, in collaboration with Winclove probiotics, a company in Amsterdam, we looked for bacteria that have the ability in laboratory models, to reduce levels of interleukin 17 and 23, and enhance the gut barrier.
· Where can I find out more about AxisBiotix?
Please visit the website: www.axisbiotix.com