Solo travelling is an intriguing, yet daunting adventure; however, once you’ve decided to take the plunge and travel alone, it is essential you are 100 percent safety prepared. Here are our five top tips from travel experts.
1. Avoid Travelling In the Dark
Although it may seem obvious, travelling in the dark in an unfamiliar town or country will put you at risk of being victim of theft or assault, and if you do find yourself lost, you are less likely to be able to obtain help.
Travelling during daylight hours in areas with larger crowds significantly decreases your risk of being a victim of assault or theft.
2. Don’t Look Like a Tourist
You might already be doing this unconsciously, but just before you leave the hotel take a sneak peek at the mirror and check to see if you match what the locals look like.
If you’re sporting tourist souvenir shirts or ill-fitting sun hats, carrying copious amounts of baggage or expensive gadgets, perhaps it’s time for a makeover from the locals.
A quick tip to keeping your essential personal belongings safe and avoid drawing attention to yourself while travelling is to store them in a waist pouch, or keep them tucked under your shirt.
3. Expect The Scams
Regardless of whether you are a local or a tourist, scammers are always present in bustling, metropolitan areas. Avoid interacting with potential scammers offering deals and discounts, as this is often used as a way of distracting you while someone else steals your personal belongings.
4. Get Organised
Being completely self-reliant and self-sufficient requires a whole new level of organisation. Printing out a copy of your passport page, which contains your passport number and profile image, grants you emergency access to hotels and airports, if your passport is lost or stolen.
Another task to add your to-do list before your solo travel adventure is having a translated version of your hotel accommodation address, alongside the normal address in the local language. The translated English version of the address will allow you to understand the address and travel to the destination independently.
5. Stay Alert
If you’re not up on the news or political developments, make sure you’re aware and well informed on the current social and political climate of the country you intend to visit.
Click here to view travel advice on an A-to-Z list of countries and follow @TravelGov to view live travel disruptions across the globe.
Stay safe to continue experiencing the ultimate travel adventures.
See Also:
Travel Safe
Confusion Over Holiday Vaccinations
The Health Benefits Of Escorted Travel
Why You Should Consider Escorted Travel