This event presents a rare opportunity for members of the public to attend and discuss their eye health concerns with a professional on the subject. There will be a particular focus on the details, benefits and risks of laser eye surgery. This event is ideal for those who are apprehensive about vision correctional treatments as there is an opportunity to meet past patients and speak with consultants firsthand.
Optegra Eye Health Care are specialists in ophthalmic services across the UK, China, Czech Republic, Poland and Germany. With 23 eye hospitals, over one million eyes treated and ten years of experience, they can certainly be revered for their wealth of knowledge in the field. Their treatments range from cataract removal, ocuplastic procedures and lens replacement (Clarivu™).
The vision correction open evening will be Mr Sumith Perera, a leading laser refractive surgeon. He will introduce features of the hospital during a tour throughout the building. Attendees will learn about the most up-to-date procedures accompanied with light refreshments.
Specifically the event will be held at 6pm at the prestigious state of the art hospital—6 The Technology Park Colindeep Lane, London, NW9 6BX. Due to its high popularity it is recommended that you register in advance, however the evening is open to everybody—adults and children alike.
The vision correction open evening is sure to be eye opening and informative, providing those who attend with an overview of options that are best for their specific circumstances.