Keeping your teeth healthy and pain free for life is important. If you look after them properly, it’s possible to still have a full set of teeth when you reach your nineties. You will need to have good oral hygiene all the way from childhood through to old age and visit your dentist regularly.
Every time you consume acidic foods or beverages such as fruit juices and fizzy drinks, the white enamel surfaces of your teeth dissolve slightly. Your body has a natural mechanism that rebuilds the teeth using the minerals in your saliva. However, if you do not allow this natural process enough time, additional minerals are required to replace the lost minerals and rebuild the teeth’s surfaces. These minerals can come from a high-quality toothpaste or oral mouthwash. Scientists have shown that using a fluoride-based toothpaste will provide protection against the effect of acidic drinks. They also believe that a low level constant supply of fluoride to the tooth surfaces would be beneficial in keeping your teeth healthy.
See also: Tips for Healthy Teeth
Enamel loss is one of the main causes of sensitivity. This occurs as the hard, protective covering of your teeth is eroded away, exposing the more yellow, soft and porous underlying tissue called dentine. Enamel loss can also result from receding gums or a combination of age, diet, brushing technique, tooth grinding, chips and fractures. Once the protective enamel is lost it cannot be replaced: the open pores of the dentine, that are invisible to the naked eye, act as a pathway to the nerves of your teeth, transmitting hot and cold sensations. If you suffer from this type of discomfort, it may be reduced or eliminated by building a new protective layer to cover these open pores. Regular use of toothpastes that release fluoride may provide such a barrier and allow you to once again enjoy your favourite foods and drinks if you are suffering from sensitivity.
See more: Your Pearly Whites
Throughout the day, film can build up on your teeth. This film absorbs sugars, creates acid that attacks your teeth and can also lead to tooth decay. To avoid this you must remove the film by brushing your teeth at least twice a day for at least two minutes. This routine may help you prevent tooth decay, which a staggering 31 percent of the adult population suffers from today. Here are some important tips to help you with your oral hygiene routine:
Apply a one centimetre-long bead of toothpaste to your toothbrush.
Place your toothbrush on the outer surface of your teeth, tilting it at an angle against the gum line.
Using short and gentle brush strokes, move in a vertical up-and-down action pushing the bristles away from the gum line. Clean the outer surface of your upper and lower teeth, then the inner surface, and finally across the surface of your back teeth. Be sure to pay extra attention to any hard-to-reach areas.
After two minutes of brushing, swirl the foamy toothpaste around your mouth for 30 seconds, and spit out the excess into the sink. Avoid rinsing your mouth out with water! Rinsing washes away the active ingredients of the toothpaste before they have had the chance to work. Walk away and enjoy the fresh, minty taste in your mouth.
Don’t drink anything acidic for at least 30 minutes after brushing otherwise it’ll undo much of the good work!
Keeping your teeth healthy and pain free for life is linked to having a good dental care regime. This is important for everyone but especially for people battling other health conditions. Read more on Celebrity Angels for information about looking after your teeth with gum disease.
Our thanks to Richard Whatley, Chief Executive Officer at BioMin Technologies for his assistance with this article. BioMinF toothpaste is designed to help reduce sensitivity and increase acid resistance in teeth plus aiding the natural remineralisation process and blocking the exposed dentine tubules.