Multi-fuel stoves and wood burners have made a comeback in recent years. Rising energy costs, improved efficiency and the ability to add character and ambiance to a room have helped make them an attractive heating option. The sleek and stylish look of many modern designs also allows them to fit effortlessly into the contemporary home.
Modern Times
A number of brands offer stylish contemporary designs, which differ considerably from the look of more traditional stoves. Contemporary models are perfect for homes and apartments with smart interiors, where a heater can be used to compliment the modern look of a room.
Increasingly, homeowners are staying clear of the bulky, box-shaped traditional stove and instead opting for the curved and cylindrical shapes featured in many modern designs. Stoves that can be either wall-mounted or raised on a pedestal are also gaining in popularity, turning the heater into an impressive focal point.
For a good example of a stylish, modern design, consider the Vision stove range from Stovax ( Alternatively, check out the range of stoves from Charnwood (
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Fuel to the Fire
Deciding between a multi-fuel stove and a wood burner can be tricky as both have similar levels of efficiency and output. The most important thing is to consider which type of fuel you plan on burning, as this will impact running costs, and any potential savings.
Multi-fuel stoves burn wood, coal and smokeless fuel, however not all models are designed to be equally efficient at burning all fuel types. If you plan on burning coal, it’s worth remembering that it is not a carbon-neutral fuel like wood, and therefore not eco-friendly.
With wood burners, obviously your fuel options are limited. The most important thing is to consider whether you have access to wood, such as fallen tree branches around your property, or if you will need to purchase it from a retailer. If you plan on collecting your own wood, it will have to be dried in order to burn efficiently. As the drying process can take up to a year, you will also need somewhere on your property where you can store it.
Alternatively, buying wood will ensure your supply—however it will increase your running costs, especially if you buy dried (or seasoned) wood, which is more expensive than unseasoned wood.
See also: Down to Earth: Geothermal Heating
Did you know?
Not only can you save on your energy bills, but according to a number of industry experts, adding a multi-fuel stove or wood burner could add up to five percent value to your home.
Fuel Efficiency
According to the Stove Industry Alliance (SIA) a modern stove is on average, 70 percent more efficient as a room heater than an open fire or open gas effect fire. For more information visit:
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