It’s a simple safety device fitted for free to your existing gas cooker pipework. When the valve is locked, the gas supply to the cooker is stopped.
This eliminates the risk of the cooker being unintentionally turned on or left on, and gives peace of mind to carers or relatives that the cooker can’t be used when they leave the house or the room. The carer or relative can easily turn the valve on using the key when the cooker is required, enabling the household to continue to use their gas cooker safely.
SGN has partnered with the other UK gas distribution networks – Cadent, Northern Gas Networks and Wales & West Utilities – to offer this free service nationwide.
They provide this free service regardless of your gas supplier – you don’t need to change energy supplier or inform your supplier of the device.
To find out more about the free locking cooker valve or to make a referral, visit sgn.co.uk/LCV or call 0800 975 1818
Engineers from SGN have been fitting locking cooker valves in homes across Scotland and the south of England since 2015. Here’s how the locking cooker valve has helped some of those people.
Shirley and her son Eddie
Shirley is living with dementia in Inverkeithing and is cared for by her son Eddie in the home they share.
When Eddie is asleep or out of the house, Shirley has a tendency to switch on the gas cooker and then forget about it. As well as this risk to them both, Eddie’s own health was suffering as he was losing sleep worrying about their safety.
Since having the locking cooker valve installed, Shirley has been able to continue living safely in the family home home, retaining her independence and allowing Eddie to sleep peacefully.
Clive and his neighbour Nigel
Clive is good friends with his neighbour Nigel, who has dementia. There’s been a few times when Nigel has turned the gas hob on without needing to, which has burned empty saucepans and the electric kettle.
Nigel was referred to SGN and a locking cooker valve was installed completely for free. It took about an hour to connect to the pipes leading to the gas cooker and it means Clive can pop round to cook dinner and turn the key before he leaves, knowing Nigel will be safe in his own home.
Edna and her carers
Edna is 95 and living with Vascular Dementia. She lives alone in Swanscombe and is visited three times a day to have meals prepared for her.
Her son was told about the locking cooker valve and agreed to have it fitted. It means her son and carers have peace of mind while Edna is able to continue to live in independently in her own home.
Visit the website for more information