Norwegian IVF: All You Need To Know

Read about IVF and why so many UK couples are opting to travel to Norway to get it done.

What is IVF?

Couples who can’t get pregnant often turn to IVF. In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a method where your IVF specialist removes eggs from the ovaries and then fertilizes them in the laboratory with sperm from the man. IVFD is when the eggs are fertilized with sperm from a donor. A few days later, your doctor injects the fertilized eggs into to the woman’s womb where it continues to develop. IVF optimizes all steps for the couple to maximize their chance of successful conception. It is most successful when the doctor finds the best timing for egg retrieval and implantation. The in-house embryologists use high-tech techniques like time-lapse systems to select the best embryo for implantation.

Who should consider IVF?

IVF is a good option for couples who have tried to conceive for more than six months and not succeeded. Most fertility clinics also help couples who’ve had prior unsuccessful fertility treatments. IVF is for heterosexual couples, and IVFD is suitable for both heterosexual couples and lesbian couples. Women with tubal factor, endometriosis or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) are often good candidates for IVF. If the man in the relationship has low sperm count or issues with reduced sperm quality, he can combine IVF with ICSI or micro-TESE. ICSI is a procedure where embryologists select and pick up the most viable sperm and inject this into the inner part of the woman’s egg (cytoplasm).

Can a single woman receive IVF treatment?

Due to Norwegian legislation, we are unable to treat single women as per today. But this is something that is being worked on among various parties and we are hopeful we will be able to help single women in the near future.

What is the age limit for IVF treatment?

The age limit in Norway is 45 for women. However, most clinics do an individual evaluation based on various investigative tests.

What is the success rate of IVF?

Seven out of 10 couples will have a child within three attempts. The success rate is above 50 percent if the woman is younger than 36 years. A woman aged 44 or over has a success rate of five percent or lower when using her own eggs. However, every woman is different and this is why individual consultation is essential. Female fertility drops rapidly with age and time is not your friend when it comes to fertility issues. If you are struggling to get pregnant see a specialist sooner rather than later to get answers as to why conception is not happening for you and advice on how to move forward to create the family you want.

How many eggs are removed for IVF?

There is no guarantee on the amount of eggs we can remove during an egg collection. We will of course aim to retrieve all viable eggs. However, successful IVF treatment is not dependent on a high number of eggs retrieved, but the quality of the eggs.

Can extra embryos be frozen?

All surplus embryos, developed according with our parametres, can be frozen upon the couples’ request. The embryos will be cryo preserved (frozen) for up to five years giving couples a chance to do a less expensive and less invasive frozen embryo transfer or a sibling attempt if they wish to do so.

What is the main reason UK couples choose IVF treatment in Norway?

Most couples will need more than one IVF treatment to get pregnant. This is common knowledge among IVF clinics, but perhaps not often verbalised. Unfortunately, IVF is very expensive in the UK and a lot of couples can’t afford to do more than that one fresh attempt. Couples who choose Norway realize they can have up to three fresh IVF attempts for the same price as one in the UK. This gives a sense of security for the couple and reduces the stress that often follows financial strain.

How many embryos are transferred into the woman’s uterus at once?

We do single embryo transfer as standard in Norway. This is to reduce risks during pregnancy. If the woman is over 40 years of age or has had several unsuccessful IVF treatments, we can do a double transfer at the doctor’s discretion.

How man IVF cycles will I need?

In our experience, seven out of 10 couples will have a child within three attempts.

One of the secrets to success is an individual treatment plan. Each couple has specific needs, and we need to consider every option. When the doctor consults with the couple and creates a custom-made plan, their chance of success increases. This is why it’s important for the specialists at Klinikk Hausken that the couples are heavily involved in their own treatment. 

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