Obesity is an increasing problem, but the solution isn’t just about diet. The experts from Medisculpt explain their approach
Why is obesity an increasing problem in the population?
A largescale NHS survey in 2021 estimates that over a quarter of adults in the UK are clinically obese. It also estimates a further 37.9% are overweight. So if almost two thirds of the adult population have excess weight, this will put further pressure on the NHS in the future as we know obesity is a contributing factor to many health problems.
There are many possible causes for this obesity increase. Time and money are key elements. It’s much quicker, cheaper and easier to microwave a ready-meal rather than cook a nutritious meal from scratch. Unfortunately, many of these ready-meals are not the healthiest choices, tending to be high in salt and carbohydrates. With the current cost-of-living crisis, this is likely to get worse. Also, after a stressful day, a bar of chocolate and a glass of wine often seems more appealing than cooking a proper meal. However, the biggest factor we find in our clinic is actually education. Many people want to make healthy choices, but don’t always know how to do it. Which is understandable, because there are so many different views on nutrition and we tend to see a one-size-fits-all approach when in reality, different people will have different needs based on their lifestyle, medical conditions and how their body responds to different foods.
What are the health implications of obesity?
Obesity can contribute to many different health conditions. Type 2 diabetes, High blood pressure, cardiovascular issues such as heart attacks and strokes, cancer, sleep apnoea, arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders. It can also affect mobility and mental health, which can be very debilitating. We know that obesity can impact people’s quality of life as well as leading to premature death, so it’s something we should all be taking seriously.
Type 2 diabetes in particular has a massive correlation to obesity. Of all the Type 2 diabetics we have had complete the Medisculpt program, 100% of them have put their condition into remission. Some have been recently diagnosed, managing with little medication. But some have been in treatment for decades, requiring insulin injections, suffering with vision and nerve damage due to their diabetes and then been told they no longer need any treatment. That is particularly satisfying for us.
What are the ideal BMIs for men and women?
We’re not really a fan of BMI to be honest. It’s a very blunt instrument, which was useful in the past but now that we have the technology to estimate body fat percentage quite accurately, BMI shouldn’t be the main factor. The current NHS guidance states that a BMI of between 18.5 and 24.9 is healthy. This doesn’t take into account some important factors though, such as muscle mass and ethnicity. Measuring body fat percentage is now quick, easy, cheap and much more accurate in determining a healthy weight.
What does the Medisculpt diet consist of?
The full Medisculpt program consists of both diet and body treatments. From a health perspective, the diet is obviously the most important part, but the body treatments do help with reducing stubborn subcutaneous fat and improving skin elasticity.
The diet involves six different stages. Stage 1 is the strictest, where the patient consumes five Medisculpt sachets per day along with a list of approved fruit and vegetables. Unlike many other diets, our sachets include solid food as well as soups and drinks. We have mini pizzas, pasta, omelettes, brownies and many others. Because the sachets are high protein and low carb, along with the fact you’re eating every two to four hours, the majority of patients say they don’t feel hungry on our diet. In fact, many struggle to consume all 5 sachets in the day because they’re not hungry.
As the patient progresses through the stages, we swap out sachets for normal food. This means that when someone is coming to the end of the diet, they’re only having one sachet per day and the rest is all normal food. As a result, it gives people time to build good habits, find what suits them and see if there are any foods they don’t want to bring back into their diet long-term. For example, some people find they feel so good without bread, they never go back to their daily sandwich for lunch.
How does the Medisculpt diet differ from other systems?
Medisculpt Therapy consists of a very low calorie diet of 700-800 calories a day, so it’s a no brainer that if followed correctly you lose about a stone a month for as long as you follow the diet. However, the biggest difference is the personalised support with medical supervision so that it is safe and effective. Everyone working at our clinic has had struggles with weight, so we all understand how our clients might be feeling. We also know that different people respond differently to different things, so although everyone starts off on Stage 1 the same, we monitor everyone and make adjustments as necessary. We look at people holistically rather than just focusing on the numbers. If someone comes to us with an aspect of the diet they’re struggling with, rather than saying these are the rules you have to follow, we will explain the reason behind the rule and try to come up with a solution. For example, patients who are fasting during Ramadan or people who work a mix of night and day shifts – they need different support and advice to someone who works at a desk from 9 to 5.
How is the Medisculpt diet supplied and used?
For patients local to our Sheffield clinic, they have the option of doing the full Medisculpt program, which involves coming for weekly appointments where they have body treatments, get weighed, have blood pressure checked, discuss how they’re doing and get advice. They can also pick up their food at these appointments. Alternatively, anyone who just wants to do the diet portion, can order the foods online and have consultations and check-ups via video chat.
We’re also looking into offering physical appointments and treatments in London (Harley Street) in the coming months.
How does Medisculpt diet prevent muscle loss?
Because the diet is very high in protein, this reduces the risk of muscle loss associated with traditional low calorie diets. We also discuss with our patients their exercise and activity levels, so we can make adjustments if necessary. We watch out for signs and symptoms that someone might not be getting the right nutrition and monitor their lean mass as well as body fat percentage to check that it is fat being lost rather than muscle.
How do Medisculpt skin tightening and radiotherapy work?
We mainly use the Vanquish ME™ from BTL which uses radiofrequency to destroy subcutaneous fat cells in the abdomen and flanks. Clients mostly just feel some warmth during the treatment, which we can reduce using a fan if the client is uncomfortable. Some clients do experience discomfort, but with the fan, adjusting the position of the machine and the settings, we can usually make everyone comfortable. This machine has a very large “spot size” so we can treat a large area in one session. If someone has more fat elsewhere on the body rather than the abdomen, we will sometimes use the Exilis Elite™ from BTL. It isn’t quite as efficient as the Vanquish for destroying fat cells, but can be used anywhere on the body such as arms, thighs, back or “double chins”.
We use LPG Endermologie™ to increase the production of collagen and elastin in the body. This helps to reduce the amount of loose skin left behind after significant weight-loss. The treatment also helps break down cellulite and aid lymphatic drainage. We joke that the machine is like a hoover with rollers – it feels quite strange the first time you experience it. Some people love it and say it feels like a massage. Some people don’t enjoy it, but agree the results are worth it. We always adjust the settings to make it as comfortable as possible for the individual client though.
How does the stabilisation and maintenance program work?
With most diets, people follow strict rules to achieve their weight-loss, but then they go back to their old routine and put the weight back on again. With Medisculpt, the program doesn’t end when they reach their target weight. In fact, most people have reached their target weight by stage 3 or 4 and still continue through to stage 6. This is so we can ensure their weight has stabilised, they can find what works for them in terms of what foods and schedules, plus they can feel confident they know what they need to do long term to maintain their weight. We also ask people to have check-ups every 4-6 weeks after they finish the diet for at least the first 12 months. During these check-ups, we can look at their weight and address any weight gain before it becomes an issue. Sometimes it’s as simple as looking at portion sizes or swapping one food item for another. We offer this for free to anyone who has completed the full Medisculpt program, because we genuinely do want to support our patients and help them fix any mistakes which could lead to them putting all the weight back on.
Where can I find out more about G&M?
You can find out more about us, our clinic and our treatments on our website, Facebook and Instagram. You can also phone or email with any questions, or book a free consult to discuss how we can help.
Telephone 0333 577 1070 or 07938482171