Where do you stand in the great Prince Harry and Meghan Markle debate? Are they loyal servants of the country, or self-serving publicity-seekers? Are they the new modern face of royalty, or are they damaging the monarchy?
As the world is transfixed by Harry and Meghan’s interview on the Oprah Winfrey show, public opinion is divided by the couple’s claims about their treatment at the hands of the Press and the royal family, and about their decision to steop back from Royal duties – but apparently not from the world of fame, money and privilege.
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Among the sensational claims made in the Oprah Winfrey interview are:
- Meghan Markle was left suicidal by her experience with a British royal family that refused to protect her from hateful tabloids and fretted about the skin colour of her unborn child.
- Harry was cut off financially by his father Charles, the Prince of Wales, who also stopped taking his calls.
- Meghan is expecting a girl this summer, the couple’s second child
- Meghan and Prince Harry married in secret three days before the royal wedding (Update – later revealed by officials to be untrue)
- They were informed their son, Archie, would not have a royal title or official protection
The couple, who have now settled in California since stepping back from Royal duties , told US television personality Oprah Winfrey the story of their romance and how it has developed into a crisis for the British monarchy. The two-hour broadcast contained almost too many juicy bots of gossip for royal-watchers to cope with, from the news that the couple have adopted ‘rescue’ chickens to Meghan’s revelation that one member of the Royal household had asked her what colour her baby’s skin was likely to be.
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The highlight though will have been Meghan’s confession that the stress and isolation of her royal life led her to contemplate suicide, saying “I just didn’t want to be alive any more… I thought [suicide] would have solved everything for everyone.”
Meghan said that she asked for help from a senior member of staff but was told: “There’s nothing we can do to protect you.”
But the couple were united in their praise of the Queen, of whom Meghan said “The Queen has always been wonderful to me”. Their criticism, though, was aimed mainly at the political functionaries who run what Meghan called ‘The Firm.’
Meghan also alleged that Press inaccuracies had portrayed her as demanding and bullying, whereas she claimed that she had been the victim of bullying, which she said became worse after a 2018 visit to Australia when Meghan’s charming performance had prompted comparisons with his mother, Princess Diana.
While expressing hurt that his father Prince Charles had not done more to support him, Prince Harry expressed some sympathy for him, and for Harry’s brother William. “I’m acutely aware of where my family stand and how scared they are of the tabloids turning on them,” he explained. “My father and my brother, they are trapped. They don’t get to leave.”
Now that Harry and Meghan have indeed left, turning their back on their Royal duties and patronages, what do we think of the couple?
Posting on the Celebrity Angels Facebook page, readers’ opinions seem to be divided between support (a few), hostility (the most) and indifference (some).
Would Rather Watch Paint Dry…
Genette Edwards said:
Sorry, I won’t be watching. I have an appointment watching paint dry. If it was just Harry, I might change my mind….
Trev Young
I will respect her wishes for privacy by NOT watching the Oprah interview…… or anything else she is involved in!
Sue Clark
I won’t be watching – really not interested in what she’s got to say
Mary Harrison
Will not be watching – at the end of the day she’d nothing but a two-bit actress who was only ever in Suits, nothing more.
Linzi Nudd
Awww shame… I’m washing my hair then. Can’t stand the fakeness of her.
Pat Whitelam
Would not waste my electric to watch it
Susan Kingston
Bloody annoying that they have taken off Unforgotten to put this rubbish on. Will not be watching
Margaret Mclaren
Rather watch paint dry – couple of scroungers
Denise Hawkins
No, not watching these two pair of whining gits!
June Hall
Won’t be watching – love our Queen she has been a rock to our country doing a job that was bestowed her because of her uncle. Her life should have been a different path but that wasn’t to be. God bless her.
Hazel Baranzeck
Not going to be watching it – I’ll be having a bubble bath with candles and a glass of wine relaxing
Margaret Hurst
Better things to do than watch a very spoiled person try to get more attention, Harry needs more backbone.
Susan Hayward
I would rather watch paint dry than give that awful woman airtime!!
But there were plenty of people willing to give up two hours to listen to the couple, though not all of them expressed support –
Letting Down the Monarchy
Pamela Havery
Think it’s all about money – all they seem to talk about was having to pay for there own security
Sheila Donnelly
Once her agenda is complete Harry will beg to come home with his tail between his legs. Who could exactly like that person?
Sheila Toti
Meghan Markle is a nothing – she used Harry like most people. Harry has lost his family and friends. Even his buddies are telling secrets about him and (sharing) photos
Betty Winning
I feel a bit sorry for Harry – she has come across a very manipulative person playing the racist card. I thought she would have been better than that. I am with our great Queen she is the rock of our country
Vicky Eddison
I really wanted to like Meghan but for me she is coming across as quite a manipulative controlling woman who always wants her own way and sadly has Harry wrapped around her finger….. I think she is a dangerous woman! Wont be convinced she is anything else and I will not believe that racism is any part of this just people seeing through how she is. About time they went and lived the private life they so desperately wanted… I still love Harry and feel sorry for him.…
Jen Edgeley
That hand on the stomach again …yes we all know you’re pregnant like thousands of other women…you will use those children against Harry when the time is right….
Peter Harneiss
Oh Harry , you can’t help who you fall in love with but for God’s sake grow a pair and stop letting her lead you by the nose
Jane Martin
I hope Charles has enough of his father in him to tell Harry in words of one syllable what he thinks of them both. Charles, I believe, still pays for some of their lifestyle so he needs to stop immediately.
Joy Smith
Oh Harry you wanted freedom and a life with privacy . Please stop these irrelevant shows . Time you came home to see your elderly Grandparents they wont be here forever. Bring your Son have a wonderful family reunion get back on Track . I bet your Mother is spinning in her grave
Pat Round
She’s certainly causing some upset in the royal family, not fair to the Queen at her age
Glynis Galek
Feel for the Royal Family – what is Megan doing to them? She should respect the Royal family especially Queen and Prince Philip
Patricia Harvey
I feel sorry for the royal family how she is bringing them down Harry should never have married her.
June Ferguson
She wants the publicity with Harry in the shadows & she has it. Staying in Britain & part the royal family, Harry would have the publicity with her in the shadows. She knew what she was doing when she married Harry just as she did when she married her first husband. It’s all for fame & limeligh
Dean Fleming
Not doing too good a job of leaving the UK to protect their privacy then having an interview with Oprah to discuss just that! Am I missing something here?
Sue Green
For a couple who bang on about compassion they certainly aren’t showing much of it towards his beloved Granny and poorly Grandad. So much for wanting their privacy. I certainly won’t be watching.
Kathryn Mayne
Why can’t they just shut up and get on with what they say they wanted which was privacy, seems to me Meghan wants her cake and eat it.
Christine Chidlow
He has let down not only his family but also the monarchy – he used to be my favourite royal but now he’s just a silly spoiled child
Judi Hilton
The whole sorry history is just so sad. We have huge unique selling point in this country, the royal family , they should be respected and supported not attacked and vilified.
Alana Mcglynn
She found a sure fire way to fame, and has maintained her tight grip on Harry’s delicate parts ever since!
Sally Andrew
Her friend has brought racism into this. She shouldn’t have been allowed to. What a load of rubbish.
Sharon Thompson
Bloody bugs me how she cradles her stomach – you’d think she was the only woman to ever get pregnant the way she carries on
Kim Coppage
Why don’t these two just shut the hell up and get on with their lives in Lala Land?
Jackie Giddings
Her brother warned the royal family she will destroy the Royal Family and he was 100% right
Sue Bruce
If the interview is anything like the one with Andrew lying though his teeth…
George Calder
Just another poor little rich boy who is attention seeking.
So, was anyone speaking out in support of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle? There were a few sympathetic comments:
The Right Decision
Lynn Taylor
I watched the interview which I thought was a very honest account of their lives in the firm……They have made the right decision to get away, I wish them every happiness in their new life………I also fear for them now.
Diana Burns
I will be watching – they should have a choice and be supported either way
Carol Haigh Moroney
Nobody complained when Princess Diana went on TV, God rest her, and Prince Charles, as me l watched them both.
This story of course will run and run, but how will it end? In a new, modern, tolerant version of the Royal Family? The end of the monarchy? A change in attitude from a hostile Press? Or just the same endless family crises of an outdated, over-privileged establishment?
Thanks to everyone that commented on our Facebook post, so many that we could not include everyone. You can still comment here.
If you enjoyed our article on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle – Where Do You Stand in the Great Debate, see also:
On His Seventh Birthday, 10 Things You Didn’t Know About Prince George
As Prince Charles Speaks Out On Food Production, 10 Facts You Didn’t Know About the Heir to the Throne
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