Preparing for Pregnancy, a novel concept, can make a significant difference in shortening conception time, improving the mother’s health and the health of the child. The whole premise is based around your nutrition improving the quality of the sperm cell and the female egg. This will lead to a healthier embryo! Preparing for pregnancy is a concept that is very close to my heart.
In the British Isles, I believe the advice for someone trying to conceive is, don’t smoke, don’t drink, take folic acid, and stop using contraception. In modern life, the early part of our adulthood is spent trying to avoid conception. Then, there comes this ‘switch,’ when we start thinking about becoming parents or extending our family.
The best advice that I feel I can give to anyone trying to conceive is: prepare for pregnancy as best you can.
See also: Best Foods To Help Boost Fertility
Why should I prepare for pregnancy?
When I am asked why I should be preparing for pregnancy, I always try to conjure an image. Broadly speaking, fertilisation happens in two main phases. First, a sperm recognises an egg, and binds onto its jelly-like coating. In the second phase, the egg and sperm cling together in an intimate embrace, before fusing to allow the DNA to meet. The whole point of conception is to pass on our DNA to our next generation. The quality of this DNA can now predict the likelihood of conception, miscarriage and the health of the child. This is as equally true for paternal health as it is for maternal health.
With these concepts in mind it becomes imperative, that for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy child, it becomes of paramount importance that the potential mother and father look after their nutrition as best they can, several months before pregnancy. This can help to ensure healthier DNA in both the egg and sperm cell. This will improve the chances of conception and will make a difference in the short, medium and long-term health of your little one.
See also: Preparing to Conceive
How do I prepare for pregnancy?
- A healthy and varied diet: Your diet and the food you eat provide you with your energy and the nutrients within that food help to create our cells and hormones. The food and drink you consume actually form the building blocks of our DNA
- Improving your lifestyle. For most of us, time for exercise is limited, we might smoke, drink, be a few pounds overweight. All of this will have a dramatic impact on our fertility.
- Toxins & Pesticides: 33 pesticides were examined in a recent European survey. It showed that 27 of the 33, proved to be Endocrine Disrupting Hormones (your reproductive system is part of the endocrine system). This means that if you eat food that has been exposed to these chemicals, it impacts your hormonal system and the development of your sperm and egg cells.
See also: What to Expect when you’re Expecting
For example, Harvard performed a recent study that showed an 80 percent decrease in infertility standards with lifestyle and dietary changes geared towards fertility. Women who followed a combination of five or more lifestyle and dietary changes experienced 80 percent less relative risk of infertility due to ovulatory disorders compared to women who engaged in none of the changes. This study was published in Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
That is pretty emphatic, especially when coming from Harvard. Also, from the American College of Obstetricians & Embryologists; Adequate vitamin and mineral intake is important for the health of women of childbearing age, both for themselves and their infants. Deficiencies in some vitamins and minerals early in pregnancy can result in permanent damage to the foetus.
By eating well, our bodies will be fuelled and nourished to create healthier cells. Healthier cells will mean healthier DNA. By improving our lifestyles and how we choose to live, we will improve our overall health and fertility.
The point to bring with you is that the embryo, foetus and ultimately your child, are made from your DNA. The three to six months before conception will determine the quality of the DNA passed from each parent onto the child. This period will have profound implications on that child’s everything. I have seen this play out in real time, and if there were one thing I would change about our world today, I would get every ‘parent to be’ preparing for pregnancy.
Infertility now affects one in six couples in the UK. pre-Conceive is Europe’s most advanced fertility enhancement supplement. The conclusion from a landmark, independent study, a first for Europe states “pre-Conceive combined with nutritional advice improves the levels of key fertility and nutritional parameters in both men and women.” pre-Conceive is an award winning, nutritional aid clinically shown to improve both male and female fertility. pre-Conceive’s therapeutic doses have received independent backing from fertility specialists, fertility clinics, doctors, nutritionists and more. To read more about our revolutionary approach, visit www.pillarhealthcare.com
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