For a person with a sensory processing disorder, interaction with others may be challenging and their sensory environment around them may feel overwhelming. As a result there can be an increase in behavioural problems.
By modifying the sensory demand and focusing on abilities these abnormal behaviours may be reduced. This modification can also assist in sensory and information processing leading to fewer problems in adulthood.
If the child has difficulty interpreting a sensory experience, it is easy to understand why they see the world differently to others. One such tool that may help with sensory processing is the Snoezelen® environment. This provides a range of sensory stimulation that may be tailored to meet the needs of people with sensory processing disorders in order to manage sensory processing and assist in the preparation for engagement in meaningful activity.
The behaviour exhibited by people with autism incorporates three main components. That of impaired social interaction, impaired communication and impaired sensory processing:
In social interaction there is limited eye contact, facial expression and social gestures. Snoezelen does not rely on direct social interaction therefore is accessible regardless of the level of social skills. Sessions can be adjusted to facilitate independent, parallel and co-operative interaction.
Impairment in communication, children with autism frequently show delays in learning to comprehend language and to speak. The Snoezelen can be used with switches to reinforce communication and learning using a sensory approach.
Impairment in sensory processing can mean our sensory world can feel overwhelming which can lead to feelings of frustration. This may lead to mood swings and feelings of loss of control. The level of stimulation in a Snoezelen room can be adjusted up or down to manage levels of sensory arousal and to modify behaviour.
So what can we do?
Here at ROMPA® we provide sensory solutions to help improve the quality of life of people of all ages and abilities. Our extensive product range offers sensory tools for choice, empowerment, enjoyment, inclusion, meaningful occupation and comfort.
Every one of our customers has different needs, desires and outcomes, many of whom have sensory processing disorders which are commonly seen in developmental conditions like autism. We work with relevant parties in the Health, Education and Social care sectors, charities, professional advisors, universities and research institutes to place us at the forefront of innovation where we are now on the NHS Supply Chain Network for Multi-Sensory.
We are the owners of the Snoezelen® trademark – a unique concept respected in the industry which includes the installation of bespoke equipment and high quality multi-sensory environments. Rompa are proud British manufacturers – many of our items are made on site at our Chesterfield HQ enabling us to deliver consistent high quality products. A Snoezelen® sensory room can transform from a calming and soothing place, to an exciting and engaging interactive space full of light and sound.
Not only do we provide our customers with multisensory environments and solutions we have hundreds of other products to support sensory requirements.
Snoezelen Multi-Sensory rooms are individually designed according to user briefs and specifications. The whole environment can be adapted and the rooms personalised, graded, and tailored to the needs of the individual. Meaningful sounds, lighting, videos, and products can be themed to the interests of the user or specific learning goals.
Where parents or care professionals need to take into account an individual’s sensory sensitivities to lighting, noise levels and the colour of walls and furnishings, a Snoezelen sensory room is ideal.
Visit the website for more information.