6. Small But Mighty, Norfolk (Category: Simple but effective)
This ‘small but mighty’ shed in Norfolk belongs to Rebecca Boulter. It was designed on a scrap of paper and built from scratch using nearly all reclaimed materials.
It is used for storing gardening tools as well as dog biscuits, and is a place to keep seeds and grow seedlings.
7. Number 82, West Yorkshire (Category: Budget)
This budget shed in Leeds cost less than £250 to build. It was built by Lotte Shaw, who said: ‘I’ve always loved old wooden framed windows and have been collecting discarded ones from building sites for the best part of a decade.
‘When I took on my allotment a couple of years ago, I decided I wanted more covered growing space and the windows came into their own. It doubles up as a potting shed and tool storage space.’
8. Ethel, Kent (Category: Budget)
This shed in Kent belongs to Mary Fudge, who wanted a covered space to relax in while she was at her allotment.
She explains the shed is named after her ‘late Nana’ Ethel.
She said: ‘I kitted it out with repurposed items I already had including my Nana’s old garden chair, 1950s metal drawers that were in my late dad’s workshop and an old cabinet.’
9. My Little Slice of Heaven, Kent (Category: Budget)
Another budget shed is this one in Kent, which is called ‘my little slice of heaven’.
It is owned by Sarah Allen, who said: ‘I have always wanted a greenhouse but we back onto a golf course and regularly have golf balls landing in the garden.’
‘I am an avid recycler and I started collecting old floor joists for the walls and bricks for the floor, pallets for the shelves and double glazed units from an old skip for the windows and even old conservatory sheets for the roof and after a few weeks my shed was born.
‘We covered the entire side facing the golf course in recycled chicken wire to protect it from stray golf balls.’
10. The Buckland Family Summerhouse, Aberdeenshire (Category: Cabin/Summerhouse)
The Buckland Family Summerhouse in Aberdeenshire started off as a shed inherited by Lisa Buckland from the previous owners.
The previous owners had used it mainly as a greenhouse and Lisa has transformed it into the outdoor room that it is today.
She said: ‘The summerhouse has been stocked with books, cards and games like battleship, chess and labyrinth. It also has a radio, bird and wildlife books and binoculars, making it a lovely place to relax.’