Can you tell us a little about the MouleTec Concept technology?
Mouletec was created by Terry Moule, a well-known back care specialist. His concept says that reducing pressure on targeted parts of the torso improves blood flow throughout the body. As a result, whether seated or lying down, comfort improves and pain is alleviated.
Are your mattresses suitable for people with severe back pain?
Around eight out of 10 people are affected by lower back pain at some time in their lives. Symptoms range from tension and stiffness to pain and soreness. Most people’s back pain is described as non-specific. A Mouletec mattress will help alleviate non-specific lower back pain. People suffering severe back pain must refer to their GP and/or a back care specialist who may advise changing the mattress in their diagnosis.
What are the main causes of a bad back?
Lower back pain is often triggered by everyday activities such as bending awkwardly, lifting incorrectly, standing for long periods, slouching when sitting or driving for long periods without taking breaks. It can also be brought on by swinging a golf club incorrectly or riding a badly designed bike. A saggy, lumpy mattress will not properly support a back.
Do you have some advice on how to choose the right mattress?
Mouletec complies with the best buy rules of WHICH? who look for Best Buy mattresses by asking how well does the mattress support a back, how durable it is, how easy it is to move and turn, how much it moves when the sleeping partner moves, and how soggy it gets with sweat.
See also: Beauty Sleep Proven to Work
Are MouleTec mattresses all the same firmness?
No, they are available with two levels of firmness. With the dual compartment structure, it is possible to have two different levels of firmness in the same mattress.
What are some tips for getting a good night’s sleep?
Change your mattress every eight to 10 years. An old, lumpy mattress causes tossing and turning – disturbing sleep. Take regular exercise—just three times a week for 20-30 minutes is sufficient, avoid napping during the day and eat a balanced diet. Make your bedroom a sleep friendly place —use gentle colours, reduce noise, cut light, keep it fresh, de-clutter, turn off or better still banish equipment. Have a regular sleep time routine—go to bed and get up at the same time even at weekends, don’t use the snooze button. Wind down before you sleep.
Does diet really affect quality of sleep?
Maintaining a healthy weight will have a positive impact on your sleep. Heavy people are more likely to snore, and are at greater risk of developing conditions such as sleep apnoea. Beware, severe dieting will cause hunger at unusual times, which can wake you up. If you’re on a diet, aim to lose no more than a couple of pounds a week. A light snack an hour or two before bed is fine. Avoid consuming any caffeine in the six hours before bedtime. For an alternative hot bedtime drink try a decaffeinated tea or coffee, a mug of warm milk, or just plain hot water with a slice of lemon.
See also: The Secret Behind Getting Better Beauty Sleep
How important is it to get the right pillow?
A pillow is designed to provide support and comfort to the body and head. Neck pillows support the neck by providing a deep area for the head to rest and a supportive area to keep the neck in alignment with the spine while sleeping. Maintaining the spine and neck in the same line will reduce pressure points and improve sleep. Experiment with different pillows – do you need one or two?
Can getting the correct amount of sleep improve overall health and well-being?
Without a regular good night’s sleep, the NHS warn that it could lead to obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Sleep controls our brain’s ability to function. Lack of sleep is associated with increased heart rate, an increase in blood pressure and higher levels of certain chemicals linked with inflammation, which may put extra strain on your heart. Poor sleep may lead to long-term mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Sleep apnoea causes daytime sleepiness and is linked to stress and high blood pressure. Shift workers sleeping during the day can develop serious physical and mental problems. Sleep deprivation is to blame for serious road accidents.
For more information visit: mouletecmattresses.co.uk/
See also: The Power of Sleep