Stop counting calories with Dr. Kirks weight loss help

Want some weight loss help? Fiona Kirk’s new eBook, Eat Live & Lose The Flab provides a good deal of straight talking and some honest answers to our weight loss dilemmas

The fascinating thing about diets, dieting, weight loss, fat busting and eating for better health is that almost daily a new route to guaranteed success hits the headlines. The frustrating thing is that it is hard to know who to believe and even harder to change our eating habits overnight in a bid to beat the flab for good. Here, nutritionist and best selling author, Fiona Kirk untangles the truth:

Find out more about losing weight and feeling healthier

Is calorie counting foiling your efforts to bust fat for good?
The calorie myths have been around for so long that few question them and just keep counting. But, where’s the scientific proof? To date there is none so we can stop counting and start eating.

Why do celebrities shed fat fast and the rest of us don’t?
When your livelihood depends on it you can get red carpet ready in record time with more than just a little weight loss help from an army of focussed friends but going it alone is a totally different challenge. How do they do it and what can we learn from them?

Read more about nutrition and weight loss

Is wheat the biggest enemy to our waistlines?
There was a time when wheat was essential to a good, fibre-rich and energising diet but the wheat we now consume by the bucket-load in processed, fast and junk food is not the great provider our ancestors thrived on. Have we become addicted to the very stuff many experts tell us should form the basis of a healthy diet only to find that it does little other than make us fat, tired and tetchy?

Can eating fat make you thin?
For the last 30 years we have been told to cut down on our fat consumption or risk ill-health and even death. Have we been hoodwinked into believing that all fats are bad and should be avoided? Not so fast – some are bad, some are good and some are fabulous!

Why are food cravings so hard to handle?
Why, when we are on a diet do we crave the very foods we are trying to avoid? Is it a simple case of lack of willpower and discipline or is the hungry brain trying to tell us something? Yes, and we should listen.

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