Stop smoking right NOW!

Stop smoking right NOW! Thinking about giving up smoking? There’s never been a better time – with plenty of alternative methods and loads of help and support out there, what’s stopping you stopping?

How many ways are there to give up smoking? Five? Ten? How about 163,839? Yes, it’s true – research carried out by Boots into how people in the UK are giving up these days has shown that as well as the familiar methods, like nicotine chewing gum or just going ’cold turkey’, there are some more unusual approaches to consider if you’re trying to stub it out.
17% of quitters have found success by spending time in places where smoking isn’t allowed, like churches, theatres, libraries or museums. One in 10 have tried or would consider trying to hide cigarettes (in places like the freezer) and 2% would try writing a song about stopping smoking as a motivational tool.
But whatever method you choose, it seems as though finding one that suits you is vital. Nikki Shah, Boots pharmacist says, “Many people who have successfully given up smoking have told us that one of the most important elements was for them to feel in control of their quitting journey.” So why not pick one of our favourite methods and see which works for you?

Read more about the benefits of stopping smoking

Cold turkey
Going ‘cold turkey’ is the most popular way to quit smoking. It means just stopping – without any help from medication, nicotine substitutes or therapy methods. It’s the route chosen by most quitters first time around, but only a small proportion are actually able to kick the habit without help. If you’re going to try this method, check out our motivators below.

Electronic cigarettes
Electronic cigarettes – or ‘e-cigarettes’ – are becoming increasingly popular as they allow smokers to physically act out their smoking habit without the health implications associated with smoking traditional tobacco. They simply contain nicotine, via an odourless water vapour, and make a great transitional step to help people stop smoking altogether. Try SYCIG – visit to find out more.

Click here to watch our video about stopping smoking

Nicotine substitutes
To help you ease nicotine cravings while you cut down, or to support you if you’ve given up completely, there is a range of nicotine substitutes available – from gum and lozenges to patches and inhalators. Try NiQuitin, available from Boots and other pharmacies nationwide.

Hypnosis helps some people to stop smoking and works by getting them into a deeply relaxed state where they are open to suggestions that strengthen resolve to quit and increase negative feelings toward cigarettes. You don’t even need to visit a hypnotherapist – try a CD like Stop Your Smoking Habit from

Acupuncture can be a helpful complementary therapy is you’re trying hard to quit. The treatment tends to transform the taste of tobacco into a bad experience, which can make stopping easier. It also eases the nervousness and agitation that can make giving up stressful.

Learn more about the benefits of e-cigarettes

SEE ALSO: Give up smoking

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