With the summer holidays around the corner, many of us will be looking forward to enjoying our gardens to the fullest – weather permitting. With this in mind, Andy Mills, Head Gardener at Blenheim Palace, has created a list of top tips for making the most of your green space so it looks its best for as long as possible – as well as a few tasks to tick off while the weather is more favourable:
Deadheading: This prolongs the life of your displays of roses and other blooms; check the flower beds at least once a week to keep them nice and tidy.
Andy says: “If you see a bloom that’s ‘gone over’, tap the bunch with your secateurs and those blooms that will start to go over in the next few hours will lose petals, so snip them off too. You’re far better getting those off as well – they’re a bit like an over-ripe banana in a bunch – that one flower will make the others go over quicker if left in place.”
Watering: Even though there’s been quite a lot of rain in recent weeks, it’s important to ensure that newly-planted perennials, trees and shrubs are getting enough water. Check water butt downpipes and gutters to make sure they’re clear and not topping out. Collect as much water as you can.
Andy says: “It’s a common misconception that if it’s rained you don’t need to water plants – you may do – remember it’s easier to add water than take it away. A quick way to check is if you push a clean, dry finger into the ground or pot and if it comes out with soil on it, that means the soil is wet enough. If you can push your finger in a good 3-4 inches and it’s moist then it’s ok – but be aware that the top inch can soon dry out.”
Weeding and cuttings: Tidy up around any newly-planted trees and shrubs, feeding and defining them, if they are planted in areas of grass or thick growth try and keep the immediate area around them clear of this, as they are all competing for the same things to sustain growth.
Andy says: “At Blenheim Palace, we’re also checking ties and stakes on any newly planted trees and shrubs, making sure they’re not getting too tight or rubbing; we’re also starting to take softwood cuttings from things like pelargoniums to give them a head start and to take advantage of the summer warmth and daylight.”
Lawns: At this time of year, lawns usually slow down in terms of growth, but because of the recent moisture and warm weather they’re still growing. Cut your lawn at least once a week – to keep it short and looking good.
Andy says: “We keep on top of grass cutting as best we can; if they get away from you, that’s a lot of grass to cut down. When we cut our meadow grass areas we leave the cut grass to lie for at least a week so seeds can get back in the soil and the long cut grass dries out, we then compost the long grass. Many people think a lawn means dark and light green stripes, but you can have a lot of life and colour in there. We have a some fabulous areas of wild flowers and some “jewelled lawns” here at Blenheim Palace which not only look attractive but host an abundance of life – some of the areas that we mow on a fortnightly basis to approximately 3 inches in height have a wealth of low growing wildflowers in amongst the sward such as there’s clover, daisies, birds foot trefoil, black medic and selfheal, all of which are appreciated by all manner of wee beasties.”
‘Greenhouse hygiene’: Summer is a great time to tidy and clean sheds and greenhouses.
Andy says: “Any tender plants that are still in the greenhouse, stick them outside for some sun and rain – it also means getting plants outside that might have pests on them, so birds and ladybirds can feast on them. It’s also a good chance to give the greenhouse a really good ‘summer clean’ – tidy your tools and clean all those dark corners.”
Blenheim Palace’s magnificent Formal Gardens are in a continuous state of change, now being finely curated by visionary Head Gardener Andy Mills who is drawing on the garden’s extensive heritage to bring rediscovered treasures to the fore for visitors – the biggest change to the Blenheim Palace Landscape in over 100 years.
Created over the centuries by esteemed garden designers such as Henry Wise and Achille Duchêne, Blenheim Palace’s Formal Gardens capture different horticultural styles from across the ages. You can experience an extensive variety of features as you wander through the Gardens, including the magnificent and calming Water Terraces, the Duke’s Private Italian Garden, the tranquil Secret Garden with all of its hidden treasures, the Churchill Memorial Garden and the beautifully delicate Rose Garden, at its peak in the summer months.
The Gardens are open daily from 10am to 5.45pm – to book tickets, visit: Blenheim Palace Ticket Prices | Annual Passes & Discounts
See also: Join the Serene Gardens Trend