If you’re looking to save money, there are lots of ways to create an energy efficient home. For example, the Energy Saving Trust tells us that simply switching off your appliances rather than leaving them on standby can save you up to £80 a year. Here’s some advice on energy-saving devices that could save you a chunk of money in your monthly energy bills.
Energy monitor
Fitting your home with an energy monitor will increase your awareness of just how much energy each of your household appliances are using. You may be surprised at the amount each appliance uses and at how leaving things like phone chargers plugged in with no phone attached can waste energy. With an energy monitor you will be able to reduce the amount of wasted energy in your home, and save money in the long-term.
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The brighter and longer days in the summer mean it’s the perfect time to introduce a variety of different energy efficient ideas to your home. If there are certain indoor areas that lack sunlight, like a small bathroom without windows or a dim hallway, you may benefit from installing a solatube. This system collects sunlight from the roof of your home, which is then piped through reflective tubing into the room it is needed. Not only does this add light to your home, it also saves electricity as you don’t have to keep switching the lights on.
Solar panels
With the cost of solar panels at an all time low and government feed-in tariffs allowing you to earn money from the electricity your panels produce, there couldn’t be a better time to invest in this form of renewable energy. The average Solar PV system costs between £5,000 to £8,000 so once you have paid off the initial installation fee, you will begin saving money and can even receive payments of £610-740 a year. For more information on solar panels and government feed-in tariffs, visit energysavingtrust.org.uk
Light wells
If you have a basement that would benefit from natural lighting, installing a light well could be the answer you are searching for. A light well is a shaft in a building that allows daylight and air into the lower floors or basement of a building. Basement light wells will be visible above ground, but do not take up too much space outdoors.
Water wastage
You may think that the amount of water you use will only affect your bills if you’re on a water metre, but this isn’t true. When we use the hot water tap, we are also using energy. In fact, about 21 percent of an average gas-heated household’s heating bill is from heating the water, which amounts to around £140 a year. To save money on your hot water bill, it’s a good idea to make sure your hot water cylinder is well insulated. A well-fitted tank jacket could save you around £25 to £35 a year.
See also:
Planning For Winter Warmth
Take Action, Save Energy In Your Home